Suspension and installment payments are the tax authorities’ rules to reduce the negative economic impact of covid-19
O Governo anunciou medidas tributárias visando reduzir os impactos econômicos causados pelo COVID-19 e permitir a manutenção da fonte produtora e do emprego
Home Office in times of coronavirus
Diferentemente do teletrabalho, previsto nos artigos 75-A da CLT, o home office tem caráter transitório e não demanda as exigências previstas em lei. Entenda
Workers’ vacations and covid-19
o atual cenário do COVID-19 muitas dúvidas surgiram a respeito dos direitos trabalhistas dos empregados e empregadores, principalmente em relação as férias.
Companies in Simples Nacional will benefit from payment suspension [COVID-19]
The Simples Nacional Management Committee, sensitive to the changes that have taken place in recent weeks, has changed the due dates for Federal Taxes for taxpayers opting for Simples Nacional. The changes were made by CGSN Resolution no. 152/2020 and are as follows: I – the March 2020 Assessment Period, originally due on April 20, […]