TST dismisses joint and several liability of company in judicial reorganization

Sibele de Oliveira PimentaLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados The 5th Panel of the Superior Labor Court upheld the appeal filed by a company undergoing judicial reorganization in the interior of São Paulo against the ruling handed down by the Regional Labor Court of the 15th Region, in which it sought to dismiss the joint and […]

How can the war in Ukraine mature Brazilian agribusiness?

The article “How can the war in Ukraine mature Brazilian agribusiness?” by lawyer Thais Cordero is featured on the AgroRevenda Portal. Even in an unavoidably worrying scenario, we are facing a propitious moment for the sector to mature, based on corporate procedures such as corporate reorganizations and protective measures as strategies for overcoming and continuing […]

How can the war in Ukraine mature Brazilian agribusiness?

Thais CorderoLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados With no sign of ending or at least easing, the war in Ukraine is having a considerable impact on sectors that are vital to the world economy. In the Brazilian market – even though it is geographically distant – the movement in agribusiness has been generating growing concern among […]