Federal Revenue Office extends deadline for signing up to tax debt self-regularization program

autorregularização de débitos tributários

Brazil’s Federal Revenue Service has extended the deadline for adherence to the incentivized self-regularization program for tax debts resulting from exclusions from real profit made in disagreement with the provisions of article 30 of Law No. 12,973/2014. Article 30, which has now been repealed, regulated the treatment of investment grants, establishing conditions and requirements for […]

Polishop’s judicial reorganization

Polishop went into judicial reorganization with a declared debt of R$395 million and a loss of more than R$155 million in 2023. One of the demands expressed in the petition was to keep the partners’ private assets secret. In an interview with Bloomberg Línea, Leonardo Ribeiro Dias, head of our Litigation, Arbitration and Insolvency practice, […]