Is e-mail notification valid for consumer denial?

Is e-mail notification valid? In a recent decision, the 3rd Panel of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) recognized the validity of notifying consumers by electronic means, such as SMS, e-mail or cell phone applications, for the purposes of registering them in credit protection registers. This understanding was consolidated in the judgment of REsp 2.092.539/RS, […]

ITCMD levied on private pension plans – STF

The Federal Supreme Court (STF) has suspended judgment on Theme 1.214, which discusses the levying of ITCMD (Imposto sobre Transmissão Causa Mortis e Doação) on VGBL (Vida Gerador de Benefício Livre) and PGBL (Plano Gerador de Benefício Livre) plans in the event of the death of the plan holder. The trial was suspended due to […]