The challenges of floating legal interest with the new Legal Rate

taxa legal

Law 14.905/24 brought greater uniformity to the rules on monetary correction and default interest on debts. However, as with any new law, there are still important doubts about its interpretation. To understand these issues more clearly, it is essential to remember that the new law established, in the absence of a stipulation in the contract […]

Insurance Legal Framework: modernization requires attention

marco legal dos seguros

The Chamber of Deputies recently approved the Legal Framework for Insurance, a bill that promises to change the way insurance is contracted, paid for and canceled in the country. The initiative, which aims to bring ease and greater contractual clarity, may displease insurance companies and, consequently, affect the beneficiary. Bill 2597/2024 is an attempt to […]

Why is the bio-inputs bill a milestone for Brazilian agribusiness?

Globo rural

Bill of Law (PL) No. 658/21 regulates the production and use of bio-inputs in Brazil! Bio-inputs are especially relevant in crops such as soybeans, corn and sugarcane, where they are effective in reducing costs, as well as meeting the growing demand for sustainable agricultural products in the domestic and international markets. Want to know more? […]

Bioinputs: why is the bill a milestone for agribusiness?


Brazilian agribusiness is undergoing a transformation. With sustainable practices gaining ground, biological fertilizers are emerging as a promising alternative for improving agricultural productivity, reducing costs and preserving the environment. Within this context, Bill 658/21, which regulates the production and use of bio-inputs in Brazil, is an important milestone. Bio-inputs are products of biological origin, such […]