Four-day workweek: are there legal implications for companies?
Currently, one of the most important debates in the global labor market is the four-day week, with companies in some countries already adopting the model as definitive. In Brazil, a pilot project is underway with 20 Brazilian companies, which began in September and is expected to end in the last month of this year. However, […]
Four-day workweek: are there legal implications for companies?
The article “Four-day workweek: are there legal implications for companies?”, written by Luara Rezende, head of our labor practice, is featured on the Jota Portal. The four-day week has been much debated in the global labor market, with companies in some countries already adopting the model as definitive. But, if it were to be adopted […]
Marcos Martins announces Tatiana Gatto as new Head of Marketing and Communication
The arrival of the new head of Marketing & Communication, Tatiana Gatto, at Marcos Martins Advogados, is highlighted in Análise Editorial. With extensive experience in B2B and B2C marketing strategies, the executive has an academic degree in Social Communication with an emphasis on Marketing and an executive MBA from the Escola Superior de Propaganda e […]
The impacts of the amendment to the Driver’s Act on the labor sphere
The article “The impacts of the amendment to the Driver’s Law in the labor sphere”, written by labor lawyer Mariana Saroa, is featured in Revista Caminhoneiro. The ministers of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) decided, by 8 votes to 3, to repeal some parts of Law 13.103/2015, popularly known as the “Driver’s Law”. Among the […]
STJ authorizes ICMS credit on intermediate materials that are not immediately consumed in the production process
In a recent decision, the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) recognized the right of a taxpayer to take advantage of ICMS credits arising from the acquisition of intermediate products, even if they are consumed or have been worn out during the production process, simply by proving the need for their use in the company’s core […]
TRF of the 2nd Region recognizes right to PIS and COFINS credit on expenses incurred in adapting to the LGPD
In an appeal against a company providing digital payment services, the Federal Regional Court of the 2nd Region recognized the company’s right to use PIS and COFINS credits for expenses incurred in complying with the General Data Protection Law. For the court, the company’s compliance with the law was considered mandatory and indispensable, even more […]
Forklift fuel costs generate PIS credits
The 3rd Panel of the Superior Chamber of the Administrative Council for Tax Appeals (CARF) allowed PIS/PASEP credits to be taken on fuel expenses for a rented forklift. The decision went against the ruling of the Ordinary Panel, which had denied the right to the credit since the taxpayer used LPG fuel in a rented […]
STF validates IOF levy on loan contracts involving non-financial institutions
On October 9, the Federal Supreme Court (STF) finalized its ruling on Theme 104 (Extraordinary Appeal No. 590.186/RS), which discussed the constitutionality of article 13 of Law No. 9.779/1999, since this provision provides for IOF to be levied on “credit operations” granted by legal entities not classified as financial institutions. The Court unanimously dismissed the […]
What are the advantages of anticipating inheritance?
In an interview with E-investidor Estadão, Leonardo Cotta Pereira, our firm’s head of corporate affairs, commented on the advantages of anticipating inheritance, given the changes to the ITCMD (Imposto de Transmissão Causa Mortis e Doação) rules with the Tax Reform. When it comes to inheritance, making a living gift to heirs has proven to be […]
Change of understanding by the STF on the transfer of the assistance contribution
The article “Change of understanding by the STF on the transfer of the assistance contribution and the impacts for companies”, written by labor lawyers Luara Rezende and Mariana Saroa, is featured on the LexLatin portal. The assistance contribution, provided for in article 513 of the CLT, is levied by trade unions with the aim of […]