Possibility of credit for the purchase of alcohol gel and protective masks
Segundo orientação publicada recentemente pela Receita Federal, álcool em gel e máscaras de proteção contra a Covid-19 geram crédito de PIS e COFINS, quando fornecidos a funcionários da área de produção industrial.
Procedural legal business – possibility of negotiating payment of federal debts
A Portaria nº 742 de 2018 da Procuradoria Geral da Fazenda Nacional – PGFN disciplinou a possibilidade de celebração de Negócio Jurídico Processual (NJP) entre o Fisco e Contribuintes, envolvendo débitos federais inscritos na dívida ativa.
STJ special court resumes judgment on the application of the Selic rate to civil debts
Beatriz Benedete CardosoLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados Last week, the 4th Panel of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) resumed the judgment of RESP No. 1.731.193/SP to define whether or not the Selic rate is applicable to civil debts, with regard to civil liability for contractual and non-contractual damages. The discussion arose from the interpretation […]
Public Prosecutor’s Office extends deadline for federal debt settlements
A Procuradoria Geral da Fazenda Nacional – PGFN prorrogou até o dia 29 de dezembro deste ano, o prazo para adesão às modalidades de transação da dívida ativa federal.
Chamber approves return of pregnant women to in-person work after immunization against Covid-19
Câmara dos Deputados aprovou o Projeto de Lei 2058/21 que estabelece medidas referente ao trabalho de gestantes durante a pandemia, prevendo o retorno as atividades presenciais após imunização contra a covid-19. Ato contínuo, a proposta será enviada ao Senado.
TRT-2 understands that covid-19 can only be considered an occupational disease if it is related to the employee’s activities
Mariana Saroa de SouzaLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados The TRT of the 2nd Region held that Covid-19 can be recognized as an occupational disease as long as the causal link between the employee’s professional activities and the disease is characterized. In a lawsuit filed by the estate of a worker who contracted Covid-19 and died […]
The possibility of disposing of assets by a company in out-of-court reorganization
Mário ConfortiLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados Camila Asha Champam de LacerdaLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados Recently, Law No. 11.101/05, which deals with Bankruptcy, Judicial Reorganization and Out-of-Court Reorganization, was reformed by Law No. 14.122/20, bringing relevant changes regarding the sale of Isolated Production Units (“UPIs”), a procedure frequently used in Judicial Reorganization proceedings due to […]
Change in the way tax administrative proceedings are judged benefits companies
Uma alteração na legislação que prevê a forma de julgamento de processos no Conselho Administrativo de Recursos Fiscais – CARF, beneficiou os contribuintes que passaram a obter decisões favoráveis em matérias que geralmente eram derrotados.
Conversion Law 14.951/21 and its effects on company operations
An article by lawyer Thais Cordero is featured in the Jurid newspaper, which specializes in legal content. The article deals with Conversion Law 14.951/21 and its impacts on company operations, one of which is the generation of more job opportunities, wealth and economic growth in the country. Check out the full article here.
Global Tax Reform: What changes for multinational companies?
An article by lawyer Ângelo Ambrizzi is featured in the IBEF magazine of the Brazilian Institute of Finance Executives, a non-profit organization that brings together the country’s leading executives and entrepreneurs. The article explains what will change for multinationals with the global tax reform, which aims to tax the profits of multinational companies at a […]