LGPD: what to do to avoid penalties?
Article by Dr. Thais Cordero on the General Data Protection Law is featured on the SEGS portal. The LGPD has already come into force, but around 84% of organizations have not yet adapted to the standards required by the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD), according to a study by CodeBy. Read the full article at […]
MP 1.040/21 has great potential to reduce bureaucracy in the business environment
Article by Dr. Thais Cordero on Provisional Measure 1041/2021 is featured on the Conjur portal. The article deals with the provisional measure that aims to reduce bureaucracy in the country’s business environment and brings significant changes in the corporate sphere. Read the full article at the link.
Chamber of Deputies approves New Labor Reform bill, text goes to Senate for validation
Monique Vieira LessaLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados Last Tuesday (August 10, 2021), the Chamber of Deputies approved the bill converting Provisional Measure 1045/2021, which initially dealt with the program for reducing and suspending wages and working hours, but had other topics included by the rapporteur, federal deputy Christino Aureo (PP-RJ), with significant changes to current […]
TJ-SP: “Teimosinha” cannot be used against a company in judicial reorganization
Camila Asha Champam de LacerdaLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados In a recent decision, the 18th Chamber of Private Law of the São Paulo State Court of Justice granted suspensive effect to an interlocutory appeal filed by a company undergoing judicial reorganization (case no. 2176076-10.2021.8.26.0000), suspending the effects of the decision that ordered the blocking of […]
Reducing red tape in the business environment
Check out the article by lawyer Thais Cordero on MP 1.040/41, which brings significant changes in the corporate sphere. Read the full article at the link.
What changes with the new superannuation law?
Recentemente entrou em vigor a Lei federal n. 14.181/2021, conhecida como Lei do Superendividamento, que alterou o Código de Defesa do Consumidor, com o objetivo de beneficiar consumidores que não conseguem pagar as parcelas de seus empréstimos e crediários em geral.
Global Tax Reform: what changes for multinational companies?
The G7, which brings together representatives of the governments of Germany, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, Canada, Japan and the United States, has revived discussions on global tax reform, which aims to tax the profits of multinational companies at a minimum rate of 15%. The bill is yet to be submitted to the G20, but […]
Global Tax Reform: what changes for multinational companies?
Artigo fala sobre o plano dos países integrantes do G20 para taxar as multinacionais com uma reforma tributária global.
Non-competition clause: does professional exclusivity come at a price?
Dr. Jayme Petra de Mello Neto fala sobre o crescimento da Cláusula de não-concorrência em contratos de trabalho, em artigo publicado no portal UOL.
Business Law Podcast #6 – LGPD comes into force
Saiba como evitar penalidades no novo episódio do podcast Direito ao Negócio, que abordou o tema com a Dra. Thais Cordero, advogada especialista em processos de compliance, como a LGPD.