Free Trade Zones: Brazil’s missing economic boost
Angelo AmbrizziLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados Can you imagine a small industrial production area being able to generate wealth for the whole country? In Brazil, the Manaus Free Trade Zone can be seen as a great example of a physical environment with economic incentives, which, if replicated in other regions, could positively help the economic […]
Tax law: the economic importance of free zones
By Angelo Ambrizz Can you imagine a small industrial production area being able to generate wealth for the whole country? In Brazil, the Manaus Free Trade Zone can be seen as a great example of a physical environment with economic incentives, which, if replicated in other regions, could positively help the economic scenario in which […]
Companies can recover unduly paid taxes. Find out how
Lawyer Ângelo Ambrizzi talks to the Metrópoles portal about how companies can request a refund of unduly paid taxes, and how a comprehensive tax reform could improve inconsistencies in the country’s tax legislation. Read here.
Debt forgiveness: taxation can be questioned
O perdão da dívida, também chamado de remissão, é a desistência do crédito gratuita e sem qualquer condição pelo credor, em benefício do devedor, ou seja, o credor desiste de seu crédito sem qualquer contrapartida.
ISS: New rules for the place of payment of service tax
Dr. Ângelo Ambrizzi’s article for the Jornal Contábil portal talks about the progress made in the tax field due to the sanctioning of Complementary Law 175, which establishes new rules for collecting ISS – Tax on Services. Read the full article here.
The problems that the Tax Reform needs to solve
Ângelo AmbrizziLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados The problems that the Tax Reform proposes to solve are not easy. In addition to the high tax burden to which Brazilians are subjected – one of the highest in the world – we also have complex legislation in this area, which results in laborious and bureaucratic processes that […]
Exceptional Transaction
A PGFN, por meio da Portaria 14.402/2020[1], estabeleceu novas regras para adesão da transação excepcional, medida que visa superar a situação econômico-financeira provocada pelo coronavírus (COVID-19), direcionada para aqueles que possuem débitos inscritos em dívida ativa da União.
PGFN establishes rules for joining the new debt negotiation modality
Por conta da pandemia da COVID-19, o Governo Federal tem tomado diversas providências com o propósito de diminuir o impacto financeiro sofrido pelas empresas.
Eight measures to minimize the economic impact of the coronavirus on your company
Buscando minimizar o impacto econômico (Covid-19) nas empresas e, consequentemente, a manutenção de empregos, o Governo Federal vem anunciando uma série de medidas tributárias e econômicas que podem ser essenciais neste momento.
São Paulo tax authorities establish requirements for the possibility of maintaining two establishments at the same address
O Fisco Paulista, ao responder a solução de consulta n° 19747/2019, estabeleceu os requisitos para existência de dois ou mais estabelecimentos no mesmo espaço físico e obtenção de inscrição estadual.