
Autor: Bruno Soares

II semana

II national tax regularization week: PGFN publishes notice to negotiate debts

Real Estate Regularization: São Paulo City Hall intensifies use of Coercive Measures

Non-Prosecution Agreement: STF opts for retroactivity

Companies will have more time to offset tax credits

devolução de tributo

STF decides that PIS and COFINS are not levied on interest and monetary correction on tax refunds

Agricultural pesticides: judgment on tax benefits will be taken to the STF’s plenary session

CNJ resolution regulates the extinction of tax foreclosures of up to R$10,000.00

benefícios fiscais para defensivos agrícolas

STF request for review suspends judgment on tax benefits for pesticides

State of São Paulo improves conditions for negotiating outstanding debts

TRF of the 2nd Region recognizes right to PIS and COFINS credit on expenses incurred in adapting to the LGPD

Forklift fuel costs generate PIS credits

São Paulo federal court limits third-party contributions to a ceiling of 20 minimum wages

Commissions paid to real estate brokers do not constitute taxable income for the real estate company

CARF decision authorizes taxpayer to take PIS/COFINS credits on packaging materials

TJSP recognizes the generation of ICMS credits on materials that are not consumed immediately and fully in the production process

Agricultural News | Agribusiness taxation: Tocantins ruling is unconstitutional