Is Brazilian legislation prepared to protect the economy from climate change?

In recent times, extreme weather events have intensified. Every day, we come across news of droughts, forest fires, heat and cold waves, floods, landslides, cyclones and tornadoes. In Brazil alone, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), 12 events were recorded in 2023. Law is a fundamental pillar in the quest to mitigate and adapt […]

New ANPD resolution sets out rules for DPO work


In July 2024, the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) approved Resolution CD/ANPD No. 18, a significant milestone in the regulation of data protection in Brazil. This crucial regulation came to detail the role of the Data Protection Officer (DPO), complementing the General Data Protection Law (LGPD). The main points include: Appointment of the DPO The […]

Is Brazilian legislation prepared to protect the economy from climate change?

mudanças climáticas

In recent times, we have seen an intensification of extreme weather events. Almost every day we come across news about droughts, forest fires, heat and cold waves, floods, landslides, cyclones, tornadoes and windstorms. In Brazil alone, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), 12 climate change-related events were recorded in 2023. The historic flooding of […]

Articles of association: strategic clauses for a solid company

contrato social

The memorandum of association is the document that establishes the basic conditions for setting up a company, such as the company name, the corporate purpose, the distribution of shares, among others. For the contract to be valid, the law establishes a series of mandatory clauses, which lay down the basic premises for registering the company. […]

How and why to incorporate ESG factors into business?

First of all, it is important to clarify that it is no simple task to measure the degree of compliance of each company and what practices are required in each segment of activity to meet ESG objectives and factors. The methodologies are diverse and the study of this science is wide-ranging. These are changing criteria […]

DREI Normative Instruction No. 1/2024: new rules for registering the acts of corporations

Normative Instruction No. 1/2024 of the National Department of Business Registration and Integration – DREI changed several important rules on the registration of company acts. Check out the changes! Transformation of a sole proprietorship into a corporation The transformation of a sole proprietorship limited company, whose share capital is held by a single partner, into […]

DREI Normative Instruction No. 1/2024: changes for limited liability companies

Instrução Normativa DREI

Normative Instruction No. 1/2024 of the National Department of Business Registration and Integration (DREI) brought some important changes for companies. Previously, we addressed the issue by focusing on the changes applicable to the public registration of companies in Brazil, which you can check out by clicking here. However, this article will focus on the changes […]

Deadline for submitting the DCBE ends in April

entrega da DCBE

The Annual Statement of Brazilian Capital Abroad (DCBE) can now be submitted to the Central Bank of Brazil. The deadline for submitting the DCBE is April 5, 2024. Who needs to declare? According to BCB Resolution 279/2022, individuals or legal entities domiciled or resident in Brazil that had assets abroad in an amount equal to […]

DCBE can now be submitted and the deadline is June 5th

Any individual or legal entity domiciled or resident in Brazil that has assets outside the country worth US$1 million or more on the base date of December 31, 2022, is obliged to file a Declaration of Brazilian Capital Abroad (DCBE) with the Central Bank of Brazil (BACEN), the deadline for which is April 5 of […]