Heloisa de Alencar
Advogada do Escritório Marcos Martins Advogados
Income tax deductions could encourage remote work
Income tax deductions could encourage remote working. Faced with the need to use teleworking during the pandemic, many companies have become concerned about the expenses borne by employees, such as electricity, internet and any costs incurred for working from home. Despite the fact that the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) expressly states that expenses, even […]
Income tax deductions could encourage remote work
The article “Deduction of expenses in Income Tax may encourage remote work model”, written by Heloisa Santos, a lawyer from the labor team, is featured on the HR for You Portal. The Federal Revenue Service published COSIT Consultation Solution No. 87, which allows the deduction of teleworking expenses when calculating Corporate Income Tax. As a […]
Dismissal for just cause for exposing confidential data
Heloisa de Alencar SantosLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados In a decision handed down by the Regional Labor Court of the Second Region, the dismissal for just cause of an employee who passed on sensitive data from the company that took over his services was upheld on the grounds that those who hold, control and operate […]
Labor courts locate more than 3 billion reais forgotten in judicial accounts
Por meio do “Projeto Garimpo”, a Corregedoria-Geral da Justiça do Trabalho identificou o equivalente a R$ 3 bilhões de reais esquecidos em contas judiciais ativas associadas a processos trabalhistas já arquivados.
Family property does not suffer the effects of preclusion
Corroborando com atual entendimento jurisprudencial e doutrinário de que bens de família constituem matéria de ordem pública, e que, portanto, não sofrem os efeitos da preclusão, a Segunda Turma do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho de Minas Gerais em recente decisão entendeu que tal matéria pode ser arguida a qualquer tempo.
Multinational company ordered to pay compensation for consulting personal credit information in selection process
Heloisa de Alencar SantosLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados A multinational company was ordered by the Superior Labor Court to pay compensation for collective moral damage for conducting a credit search (SPC and Serasa) of candidates in a selection process. The investigation was initiated through a confidential complaint, which resulted in the filing of a Public […]
Unjustified dismissal during the pandemic of people with disabilities gives rise to the right to reinstatement
Foi decidido pela Justiça do Trabalho em primeira instância, que empregado com deficiência dispensado sem justa causa durante o período de pandemia, tem direito a ser reintegrado ao emprego, o que protege o trabalhador contra a demissão arbitrária.
TR dismissed by STF as monetary correction index for labor debts
Em julgamento, foi afastado por unanimidade de votos do Supremo Tribunal Federal a aplicação da Taxa Referencial (TR) para correção monetária de débitos trabalhistas, e isso porque, a taxa definida quando da Reforma Trabalhista, foi considerada inconstitucional.
Employers can require employees to return to their offices
Heloisa de Alencar Santos
Advogada do Escritório Marcos Martins Advogados