
Autor: João Máximo Rodrigues


The challenges of floating legal interest with the new legal rate

taxa legal

The challenges of floating legal interest with the new Legal Rate

marco legal dos seguros

Insurance Legal Framework: modernization requires attention

Globo rural

Why is the bio-inputs bill a milestone for Brazilian agribusiness?


Bioinputs: why is the bill a milestone for agribusiness?

Carbon credits: Law 15.042/24 represents a new chapter for Brazil

The importance of using the system of precedents for judicial efficiency

The importance of using the system of precedents for judicial efficiency

Nullity of arbitration clauses in adhesion contracts

correção monetária e taxa de juros

Judicial debts and sentences gain new parameters for monetary correction and interest rates

Heirs are not personally liable for the deceased’s debts until the inventory has been completed and the assets divided up

Selic para atualização de indenizações judiciais

Selic rate for updating judicial indemnities: everything right and nothing solved!

Is it bankruptcy’s turn?


Is it bankruptcy’s turn?

Extrajudicial compulsory adjudication of real estate regulated

São Paulo court rules that interest rates charged by banks cannot be higher than the market average