STJ annuls execution of confession of debt in factoring contract: understand the implications and the importance of contractual transparency

contrato de factoring

In a recent decision (REsp 2.106.765- CE ), the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) annulled the execution of a debt confession instrument linked to a commercial development contract (factoring). Factoring, also known as faturization or fomento mercantil, can be described, in a simplified way, as a commercial transaction through which a certain company (faturizadora) acquires […]

Extending impeniability: STJ recognizes protection for other financial assets

ampliação da impenhorabilidade

In a recent decision (REsp n. 1.677.144-RS.), the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) broadened its understanding of the unseizability of amounts deposited in checking accounts and other financial investments. The case in question brought up a crucial discussion on the interpretation of article 833, X, of the Code of Civil Procedure, which specifies the unseizability […]

Electronic contracts are recognized as extrajudicial executive titles

An important legislative change took place on July 14, with the publication of Law No. 14.620/2023, which added paragraph 4 to article 784 of the Code of Civil Procedure (CPC), with the following wording: “In executive titles constituted or attested by electronic means, any form of electronic signature provided for by law is admitted, with […]