
Autor: Leonardo Cotta Pereira

A sucessão no empreendimento agroindustrial

Succession planning in the agro-industrial enterprise

Real estate due diligence: understand the audit that influences the negotiation

The challenges of rural financing in Brazil

Casas Bahia shares soar after company announces debt recovery agreement

What will be the future of offshore companies?


What will be the future of offshore companies?

Planejamento sucessório e patrimonial

Succession and estate planning: an opportunity to protect your assets before tax changes

vender uma empresa

Main precautions to consider when selling a company

Main precautions to consider when selling a company

The new Legal Framework for Guarantees is here to stimulate credit

What are the advantages of anticipating inheritance?

Stars and money: Saudi league promises new era in soccer

Succession in the agro-industrial enterprise

Likely increase in ITCMD leads to need for succession planning

Likely increase in ITCMD leads to need for succession planning