Why is out-of-court reorganization still underused in Brazil?

In recent years, Brazil has seen a significant increase in the number of judicial recoveries. According to data from Serasa Experian, the growth was almost 70% last year and 71% in the first half of 2024 alone, compared to the same period in 2023. This phenomenon can be explained by several factors, ranging from the […]

Has the Bankruptcy Law gone bankrupt?

The Business Recovery and Bankruptcy Law (No. 11.101/2005) is under suspicion and investigation due to accusations of corruption involving magistrates, court administrators and lawyers in recovery and bankruptcy proceedings. Investigating cronyism, the Senate plans to review the law in 2025, especially after the recent wave of Federal Police operations that resulted in the removal of […]

Casa do Pão de Queijo: how the coffee and snack chain went into receivership

With a debt of over R$110 million, Casa do Pão de Queijo recently filed for judicial reorganization. The search for judicial protection has included appeals to energy utility companies not to cut off the supply, as well as to landlords not to terminate rent contracts in arrears. In an article published by Bloomberg Línea, Leonardo […]

Odebrecht files for judicial reorganization with debts of 4.6 billion dollars

Odebrecht’s request for judicial reorganization has been accepted by the courts. The company has debts totaling 4.6 billion dollars. In an interview with Rádio Nova Brasil FM, Leonardo Ribeiro Dias, head of our Litigation, Arbitration and Insolvency practice, said that the expectation is that the group will be able to restructure its debts and obtain […]

With mass indebtedness, requests for judicial recovery are on the rise

The number of requests for judicial reorganization in Brazil increased by 80% in the first four months of the year. Bankruptcy filings are also on the rise. According to Serasa, 90 were registered in April, an increase of 69.8% compared to the same month last year. A proposal to reform the Bankruptcy Law is currently […]

Polishop’s judicial reorganization

Polishop went into judicial reorganization with a declared debt of R$395 million and a loss of more than R$155 million in 2023. One of the demands expressed in the petition was to keep the partners’ private assets secret. In an interview with Bloomberg Línea, Leonardo Ribeiro Dias, head of our Litigation, Arbitration and Insolvency practice, […]

Casas Bahia (BHIA3) has a ‘smart’ and ‘persuasive’ strategy

Casas Bahia’s out-of-court reorganization, announced at the end of April, stirred up the market, with investors taking a positive view of the context. The news was read as a “smart” and “persuasive” strategy coming from a company that belongs to one of the most complex sectors of the Brazilian economy, which is retail. In an […]