Judgment on theme 1232: possible impacts for companies in labor cases

Julgamento do tema 1232

The Federal Supreme Court (STF) will decide in a physical plenary session on Theme 1232, which deals with the inclusion of companies from the same economic group in the execution phase of labor proceedings. The final decision will have a significant impact on companies and workers throughout Brazil. In order to determine whether one organization […]

Four-day workweek: are there legal implications for companies?

Currently, one of the most important debates in the global labor market is the four-day week, with companies in some countries already adopting the model as definitive. In Brazil, a pilot project is underway with 20 Brazilian companies, which began in September and is expected to end in the last month of this year. However, […]

Four-day workweek: are there legal implications for companies?

The article “Four-day workweek: are there legal implications for companies?”, written by Luara Rezende, head of our labor practice, is featured on the Jota Portal. The four-day week has been much debated in the global labor market, with companies in some countries already adopting the model as definitive. But, if it were to be adopted […]

Change of understanding by the STF on the transfer of the assistance contribution

The article “Change of understanding by the STF on the transfer of the assistance contribution and the impacts for companies”, written by labor lawyers Luara Rezende and Mariana Saroa, is featured on the LexLatin portal. The assistance contribution, provided for in article 513 of the CLT, is levied by trade unions with the aim of […]

Lula and Biden discuss Uber’s labor situation

In an interview with Automotive Business, Luara Rezende, head of our labor department, commented on the labor situation of Uber drivers. The platform became an issue between the President of the Republic, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, and the President of the United States, Joe Biden, after being condemned by the Labor Court for R$1 […]

123miles: judicial reorganization brings uncertainty for stakeholders

In an interview with Diário do Comércio, Luara Rezende, head of our labor department, commented on 123 milhas’ judicial recovery plan and the impacts suffered by the agency’s workers. With the filing of the travel agency’s petition for judicial reorganization, the consumers who were harmed and the workers who were laid off have become creditors […]

The challenge of adapting and modernizing the CLT

The article “O desafio de adequar e modernizar a CLT” (The challenge of adapting and modernizing the CLT), by Luara Rezende, head of the labor department at Marcos Martins Advogados, is featured in the Gazeta de Rio Preto newspaper. The legal certainty that the CLT provides is vital for the growth and development of companies. […]

Provisional Measure 1108/22 changes rules on teleworking and food stamps

Luara RezendeLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados On March 28, Provisional Measure No. 1108 was published, providing for the payment of food allowances, amending Law No. 6,321/1976 and the Consolidation of Labor Laws. With regard to the food allowance, the new rule limits the use of the benefit exclusively to the payment of meals in restaurants […]

President signs bill regulating pregnant women’s return to on-site activities

Luara Rezende and Natália Tenório da SilvaLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados Bill 2058/21, which regulates the return of pregnant women to work in person, was sanctioned by the President of the Republic on August 8, with vetoes. The act, which was published in the Official Gazette on Thursday, amends Law No. 14,151 of 2021, which […]