Annual discharge of labor obligations
The adoption of the annual discharge of labor obligations has become increasingly common in the business sphere, as it provides guarantees and security for the parties that make up the employment contract. Find out more below! What is the annual discharge of labor obligations? This document, instituted by the Labor Reform, consists of a declaration […]
Maisa Ribeiro Vidal
Can partners have their social security benefits seized to pay labor debts?
The possibility of seizing social security benefits to pay off procedural debts has always been the subject of heated discussions in the courts, since there is controversy over the unseizability of these benefits intended to support the debtor. However, in the course of doctrinal and judicial discussions, the majority view has taken a new direction […]
TST authorizes the use of working hours records by exception
The Superior Labor Court has ruled, by a majority of votes, that it is permissible to use the exception method of recording working hours. The method is a form of recording that takes into account only the hours worked outside the working day previously established between employee and employer, with the contractual working hours prevailing […]
Portal R7 | Intra-workday break: what changes with the decision of the Superior Labor Court?
In a recent case, the Fifth Panel of the Superior Labor Court limited, until the day before the Labor Reform came into force, the effectiveness of a judicial agreement signed in 2015 between the Labor Prosecutor’s Office and a security company, in the case of a public civil action (ACP) filed by the MPT, with […]
Intra-workday breaks: what changes with the decision of the Superior Labor Court?
All employees hired under the Labor Code (CLT) are entitled to an intra-day break as a rest period so that they can rest or eat during their working hours. In a new ruling by the Superior Labor Court (TST), however, it was made possible for companies to adapt what had previously been agreed to the […]
Salaries and benefits for top management
Bruna Zampieri Colpani and Maísa VidalLawyers at Marcos Martins Advogados INTRODUCTION In the struggle to achieve their business and social goals, companies face stiff competition from major conglomerates on a daily basis, which requires constant efforts, with innovation and creativity, to offer excellent products and services at fair prices. This is a scenario in the […]
Chamber approves return of pregnant women to in-person work after immunization against Covid-19
Câmara dos Deputados aprovou o Projeto de Lei 2058/21 que estabelece medidas referente ao trabalho de gestantes durante a pandemia, prevendo o retorno as atividades presenciais após imunização contra a covid-19. Ato contínuo, a proposta será enviada ao Senado.
Superior Labor Court allows sale of labor credits
Em recente decisão, o Tribunal Superior do Trabalho impulsionou o mercado de compra e venda de créditos trabalhistas, possibilitando uma maior liquidez ao trabalhador para antecipar seus recebimentos.