Crop failure: alternatives to protect your assets

Crop failures are one of the biggest risks faced by rural producers and can have an impact on their income and, consequently, on the assets they have built up over the years. The unpredictability of harvests requires producers to adopt strategies to protect their assets and ensure the continuity of their activities. Check out the […]

Technology in agribusiness: how to overcome the challenges of implementation?

Technology in agribusiness is an increasingly present reality. Agriculture 4.0, driven by innovations such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, artificial intelligence and drones, is redefining agricultural production, making it more efficient, sustainable and profitable. Check out the main technologies applied in agriculture and some of the challenges in promoting and applying these […]

Types of rural credit: which is best for your business?

Rural financing plays a fundamental role in the development of agribusiness. With a variety of types of rural credit available, each adapted to the specific needs of producers, accessing these resources can be the key to sustainable growth and efficiency in the agricultural sector. In this material, we will explore the different types of rural […]

Agribusiness challenges: strategies for the sector’s evolution

desafios do agronegócio

Agribusiness accounted for an impressive 24.8% of GDP last year, according to the Center for Advanced Studies in Applied Economics (Cepea/Esalq/USP) and the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil (CNA). In addition, Brazil is one of the world’s leading exporters of agricultural products, one of the essential activities for the performance of the national […]

Rural credit: learn how to facilitate access for farmers

Agribusiness accounted for an impressive 24.8% of GDP last year, according to the Center for Advanced Studies in Applied Economics (Cepea/Esalq/USP) and the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil (CNA). Despite this, only 15.5% of producers accessed rural credit during the period analyzed in Brazil’s last Agricultural Census. But how can this reality be […]

Tax glossary: a complete guide to understanding tax language

glossário tributário

The complexity of Brazilian tax legislation is an undeniable fact. In this sense, there are many terms in the tax field and understanding this language can be a challenging process. Understanding tax language is fundamental to correctly interpreting tax laws and regulations and making strategic decisions on financial and tax issues. In order to guide […]

6th episode of the “Guiding to Transform” web series | The future is drawn every day

To conclude the “Guiding to Transform” web series and the celebration of the firm’s 40th anniversary, we’ve released the last episode, highlighting what we’ve been doing today to build a transformative future for everyone. We believe that the future is shaped every day by building solid relationships, always thinking about solutions that have a lasting […]