
Autor: Marcos Martins

Crop failure: alternatives to protect your assets

Technology in agribusiness: how to overcome the challenges of implementation?

Types of rural credit: which is best for your business?

desafios do agronegócio

Agribusiness challenges: strategies for the sector’s evolution

Polishop: understand the dispute between partners of the chain in judicial reorganization, pointed out as the origin of the crisis

Rural credit: learn how to facilitate access for farmers

glossário tributário

Tax glossary: a complete guide to understanding tax language

6th episode of the “Guiding to Transform” web series | The future is drawn every day

5th episode of the “Guiding to Transform” web series | Evolution is the art of learning

4th episode of the web series “Guiding to Transform” | Integrity is a non-negotiable virtue

2nd episode of the web series “Guiando para Transformar” | The legal market

Launch of “Guiding to Transform” web series