The role of Third Party Due Diligence in containing labor risks

Internationally renowned wineries have recently had their names involved in a slave labor scandal. Approximately 207 workers were rescued from a situation analogous to slavery in Bento Gonçalves/RS, in a joint action between the Federal Highway Police (PRF), the Federal Police (PF) and the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE). The rescued workers were employed […]

Adoption of COVID-19 preventive measures helps avoid convictions in the Labor Courts

Monique Vieira LessaLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados With the advent of the pandemic, society has had to reinvent its habits, the way it deals with others and the environment around it. Labor relations have been no different. Since the beginning of the spread of the virus, companies have had to adapt to government measures and […]

The importance of compliance in labor relations

Nos últimos anos, graças aos inúmeros casos de corrupção que vieram a tona, temas relacionados à moral e à ética ganharam grande destaque no cenário internacional e nacional. Com isso, a figura do compliance se tornou cada vez mais presente nas empresas.

Chamber of Deputies approves New Labor Reform bill, text goes to Senate for validation

Monique Vieira LessaLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados Last Tuesday (August 10, 2021), the Chamber of Deputies approved the bill converting Provisional Measure 1045/2021, which initially dealt with the program for reducing and suspending wages and working hours, but had other topics included by the rapporteur, federal deputy Christino Aureo (PP-RJ), with significant changes to current […]

Rio de Janeiro Labor Court regulates party summons via messaging app

Monique Vieira LessaLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados By means of Provision No. 01/2020, the Regional Labor Court of Rio de Janeiro (TRT 1st Region) has regulated the procedure for electronically summoning parties, lawyers and third parties via messaging apps such as WhatsApp Business or equivalent. Adherence to this form of summons is optional, both for […]