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Lecture on the future of the legal profession attracts students and society to UNIVEM’s noble hall


TJSP rules that income tax refunds are unseizable


Marcos Martins Advogados: confira as conquistas do ano!

Marcos Martins Advogados: check out the year’s achievements!

International recognition: Marcos Martins Advogados’ M&A area is featured in IFLR1000

We were recognized by the Leaders League

We were recognized by Chambers and Partners

contratos autônomos

Should employment claims in self-employed contracts go through the ordinary courts?

combustível para consumo do veículo

Fuelfor vehicle consumption cannot be taken into account in the dangerousness bonus


New law makes it easier to settle tax debts with the IRS

We were once again recognized at the DNA+Fenalaw Analysis Awards

Marcos Martins announces Tatiana Gatto as new Head of Marketing and Communication

What are the advantages of anticipating inheritance?

International recognition: Marcos Martins Advogados’ M&A area is highlighted in the IFLR1000 ranking

International highlight: Marcos Martins Advogados’ tax practice is recognized by ITR World Tax

Marcos Martins repositions brand and presents new CFO

Carf decision represents tax benefit for sugarcane producers

Likely increase in ITCMD leads to need for succession planning

Editorial Analysis | Marcos Martins Advogados has three new heads in three different areas

Marcos Martins Advogados was one of the sponsors of the Inspiring Women event

Taxing agribusiness: Tocantins ruling is unconstitutional

Intra-workday breaks: what changes with the decision of the Superior Labor Court?

Companies must approve their financial statements by April 30

New CIPA legislation: what changes for companies

Unfair dismissal: what can really happen

Business Law Podcast #14 – Zero Litigation Program

Supreme Court decision on taxation creates legal uncertainty

Company wins unprecedented decision on tax debt reduction and installment plan

Judicial recovery of Americanas: what are the labor issues like?

São Nicolau Hospital acquires stake in radiology clinic

New CIPA legislation: what changes for companies?

Americanas owes R$1.8 billion in taxes to the Federal Government, Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo

Dismissal without just cause: what could change after the STF ruling?

With judicial reorganization approved, Americanas (AMER3) has 60 days to present plan

With judicial reorganization approved, Americanas (AMER3) has 60 days to present plan

Regional Labor Court of the 2nd Region limits liability of withdrawing partner to two years after withdrawal

New version of eSocial will have information on labor processes

New version of eSocial will have information on labor processes

Monitoring at work: what can the company do?

Day off during the World Cup: how to avoid labor problems?

Damage to work equipment: whose responsibility is it?

Judgment on Tax Differential has turned in favor of companies

STF to rule on constitutional scope of PIS and COFINS non-cumulative taxation

Logo do prêmio escritório mais admirado 2022 no Análise Advocacia

Marcos Martins Advogados is recognized as one of the Most Admired Law Firms by the Análise Advocacia 2022 Ranking in the Economic: Financial Sector

Emprega + Mulheres program: how should companies adapt?

“Direito ao Negócio” Podcast #13 – New family structures and the impact on succession planning

Internationalization of companies: how to mitigate legal risks?

Tax reform: what can we expect from the next government?

STF invalidates double pay for vacations outside the legal period

Logo do prêmio escritório mais admirado 2022 no Análise Advocacia

Marcos Martins Advogados is recognized as one of the Most Admired Law Firms by the Análise Advocacia 2022 Ranking in the Economic: Financial Sector

Marcos Martins Advogados wins DNA+Fenalaw 2022 Analysis Award

Federal Regional Court of the 3rd Region dismisses income tax claim on debts received by notary publics

Mass layoffs: what changes after the Supreme Court’s decision?

Pregnant and breastfeeding women in unhealthy working environments: how should companies proceed?

We are among the most admired offices in the interior of São Paulo

When and how to report non-compliance with the LGPD?

Five business trends for 2022

Brief considerations on procedural and substantive consolidation in judicial reorganization

Structured reorganization of tax debt is key to obtaining the CND

Brazilians should invest more abroad in 2022

Cryptocurrencies: the importance of regulation

How can the exclusion of ISS from the calculation of PIS and Cofins benefit companies?

Vendor Due Diligence: the importance of procedures prior to the purchase and sale of companies

The possibility of disposing of assets by a company in out-of-court reorganization

Conversion Law 14.951/21 and its effects on company operations

Global Tax Reform: What changes for multinational companies?

What are the impacts of Provisional Measure 1.040/21 on reducing bureaucracy in the business environment?

The impact of electronic summons on reducing bureaucracy in legal proceedings

The impact of electronic summons on reducing bureaucracy in legal proceedings

The impact of electronic summons on reducing bureaucracy in legal proceedings

The impact of electronic summons on reducing bureaucracy in legal proceedings

What are the impacts of Provisional Measure 1.040/21 on reducing bureaucracy in the business environment?

Tax changes in the energy sector cause concern!

How can the Over-indebtedness Law create a generation of indebted people?

Over-indebtedness law could create a generation of debtors

How can the Over-indebtedness Law create a generation of indebted people?

How can I recover unduly paid taxes?

The need for bold reform of the Commercial Representation Law – part II

TJ-SP: Rent intended for the subsistence of the debtor’s family cannot be seized

MP 1.040/21: What are the impacts of reducing bureaucracy in the business environment?

How can LGPD expenses be credited as PIS and Cofins inputs?

Bill 15/2021 and the changes in the Brazilian corporate sphere

What is an IPO? Understand how it works

What are the impacts of Provisional Measure 1.040/21 on reducing bureaucracy in the business environment?

LGPD: what to do to avoid penalties?

MP 1.040/21 has great potential to reduce bureaucracy in the business environment

TJ-SP: “Teimosinha” cannot be used against a company in judicial reorganization

Reducing red tape in the business environment

What changes with the new superannuation law?

Global Tax Reform: what changes for multinational companies?

Global Tax Reform: what changes for multinational companies?

Non-competition clause: does professional exclusivity come at a price?

Corporate governance on the agenda: the importance of shareholders’ agreements in corporate relations

Structural Subordination and the Recognition of an Employment Relationship between Employee and Employer

The challenge for startups and their legal framework

Digital currency: why could it be good for Brazil?

Master Plan: What it is and what impact it will have on developers