Design Thinking, Legal Design and Visual Law: understand the difference and what each term means
A transformação digital introduziu novos conceitos ao mercado tradicional. É nesse contexto que se insere o Legal Design e, sobretudo, o Desing Thinking e Visual Law.
TJSP authorizes execution of contract without signature of two witnesses
Em recente Acórdão[1] proferido pela 13ª Câmara do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo, admitiu-se o prosseguimento de ação de execução extrajudicial com base em contrato sem as assinaturas de duas testemunhas.
Marcos Martins Advogados is a reference in Due Diligence by Acquisition International 2021
Pelo segundo ano consecutivo, o Marcos Martins Advogados acaba de ser reconhecido como o escritório mais notável do Brasil em Due Diligence pelo Global Excellence Awards.
Right to Business” Podcast #5 – Digital Currency
The fifth episode of the “Right to Business” Podcast is on the air!!! Dr. Jayme Petra de Melo Neto, lawyer and legal coordinator at Marcos Martins Advogados, talks about the Brazilian digital currency and how positive it should be for our country’s economy. The podcast is available on Spotfly and iTunes. Click on the image […]
From August 1st, 2021, LGPD penalties may apply
A Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais (LGPD) está em vigor desde setembro de 2020. No entanto, somente em 1º de agosto de 2021 passarão a ser aplicadas as penalidades para quem descumprir suas regras.
Confidence in the Negotiating Circumstances of Contracts
Maria Thereza dos Santos PereiraLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados This is a summary of the importance of trust between the parties to a legal transaction before the obligation arises from the parties’ declaration of will, which requires preparation from everyone involved in technical knowledge about the object of the contract, in law for formalization and […]
TST does not grant Free Justice without effective Proof of Hyposufficiency
A 6ª Turma do Tribunal Superior do Trabalho (TST) julgou improcedente, por unanimidade, o pleito de um Sindicato de concessão do benefício da Justiça gratuita por não haver prova cabal de hipossuficiência econômica.
M&A panorama in Brazil – What will mergers and acquisitions look like in the country in 2021?
The “Panorama of M&A in Brazil” survey, carried out by Deloitte, provides a study of the expectations, risks and opportunities in relation to mergers and acquisitions in Brazil in 2021 and 2022. The report brings together the results of interviews with more than 100 senior executives at the head of Brazilian companies, and identifies and […]
How can international politics affect agribusiness?
An article by lawyer Jayme Petra de Mello Neto is published on the Máquinas & Inovações Agrícolas portal, which specializes in news about the main technological innovations in the sector. The lawyer discusses the prospects for international relations and their impact on the Brazilian agribusiness sector. Read the full article here.
Marcos Martins Advogados announces new Head of Strategy and Finance
With extensive experience, José Antônio de Morais Júnior intends to boost the firm’s results Leveraging a business in a highly competitive market is a challenging mission. In this scenario, good financial management can be a determining factor in achieving this goal. This is the main focus of Marcos Martins Advogados, which has just hired José […]