In an article for the UOL portal on flexible working arrangements – the home office – and changes in sectors of the economy due to the covid-19 pandemic. Lawyer Luara Rezende gives her opinion on working hours and recalls the regulation of this modality in 2017 in the labor reform. Read the full article here.

STF withdraws judgment on social security contribution on vacation pay

Alana DahroujLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados The Federal Supreme Court has removed from its agenda the discussion on the modulation of the effects of the decision on the collection of social security contributions on vacation pay, which was due to take place on August 7. The discussion to be dealt with in this judgment refers […]

STJ: e-commerce site not liable for fraud practiced by product buyer

Natália Fioravanti SalvadoriLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados In a recent decision[1], published on April 8, 2021, the Third Panel of the Superior Court of Justice held that an e-commerce website would not be liable for fraud committed by the buyer of a used cell phone put up for sale by the plaintiff. The lawsuit was […]

How to avoid mass company bankruptcies?

An article by Dr. Jayme Petra de Mello Neto, published by the SEGS portal, talks about the entry into force of the reform of the Bankruptcy and Reorganization Law. The lawyer points out the new rules and the significant advances applied by the law, and actions to be adopted with the aim of minimizing the […]

How can I recover unduly paid taxes?

An article by Ângelo Ambrizzi, a lawyer at the law firm, published by the Monitor Mercantil portal, talks about how companies can request a refund of unduly paid taxes, and how a comprehensive tax reform could improve inconsistencies in the country’s tax legislation. Read the full article here.

Withdrawal of judicial deposit cannot be discussed

É comum, em ações que discutam a legalidade/constitucionalidade de eventual débito tributário, contribuintes efetuarem depósito do montante integral para possibilitar a emissão de certidão de regularidade fiscal.