Pandemic reveals opportunities for mergers and acquisitions

An article by Dr. Gabriela de Ávila Machado, a lawyer at the firm, on the pandemic scenario and the increase in opportunities for corporate mergers and acquisitions, is featured on the Âmbito Jurídico website. Read the full article here.

European Court of Justice declares EU-US Privacy Shield invalid

O caso C-311/18, envolvendo a Data Protection Commissioner, o Facebook e a Maximillian Schrems, foi referenciado à Corte de Justiça da União Europeia pela High Court da Irlanda. Nele foram discutidos a validade das standard contractual clauses como mecanismo para transferência internacional de dados sob a GDPR e a validade do EU-US Privacy Shield (Escudo de Privacidade UE-EUA), normativa criada para regulamentar trocas de dados pessoais entre a União Europeia e os Estados Unidos, para fins comerciais.

The return of mergers and acquisitions to the Brazilian market

An article by Gabriela de Ávila Machado, a lawyer at the firm, on the Covid-19 economic crisis and the return of mergers and acquisitions to the Brazilian market, is featured on the Lex Latin website, a portal specializing in the Latin American legal market. Read the article here.

MP 959/2020 extended by Congress

O Ato prorroga a Medida Provisória nº 959, de 29.04.2020 (“MP 959”), que, além de estabelecer a operacionalização do pagamento do Benefício Emergencial e do benefício emergencial mensal, prorrogou a vigência da Lei nº 13.709, conhecida como LGPD. A MP 959 ficou então prorrogada por sessenta dias.

Bill 1.397/2020 and emergency measures for economic agents

In a virtual Extraordinary Deliberative Session on May 21, 2020, the Chamber of Deputies approved Bill no. 1.397/2020, authored by Deputy Hugo Leal (PSD-RJ). The Bill seeks to institute emergency measures to prevent the economic and financial crisis of economic agents, particularly affecting business contracts and ongoing judicial recoveries, as well as the infrastructure and capital market sectors.