Labor reform does not apply to contracts prior to its entry into force

The Labor Reform contained in Law No. 13,467, of November 2017, brought numerous changes, not only for workers, but also for the companies themselves. One of the changes concerns the hours spent on the road, which are nothing more than the hours spent by the worker on the way to and from work.

CVM created the Regulatory Sandbox Committee

One month after the publication of CVM Instruction 626, which regulated the creation of the Regulatory Sandbox, the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (“CVM”) issued Ordinance CVM/PTE/No. 75, of June 29, 2020, which creates the Sandbox Committee (“CDS”), provided for in CVM Instruction No. 626. The new ordinance will come into force on August 1, 2020 and should be reassessed within a year.

Debtor must be personally summoned to comply with judgment

The STJ overturned a ruling by the TJSP that recognized as valid the postal service of the defendant, an individual, whose acknowledgement of receipt was received and signed by a third party, both in the knowledge phase and in the enforcement of the judgment.

The limits of interest rates in Brazil

The analysis of the application of legal norms involving the charging of remunerative interest in the contractual sphere is a subject of much discussion by law enforcers, especially with regard to the limit on contracted interest rates.

Law published to combat food waste

On July 24, 2020, Law No. 14,016/20 was published in the Federal Official Gazette, which provides for the fight against food waste and the donation of surplus food for human consumption.