
Autor: Sem Autor

CADE institutes Digital Transformation Plan

Environment in Full – National program aims to popularize the use of bio-inputs

Public consultation opens on the National Solid Waste Plan

New regulations on the drawback system

Renegotiation is an essential step against debt

The COVID-19 pandemic has made companies change their workers’ benefits

Conversion of Provisional Measure 931/2020 confirms postponement of deadlines for approval of accounts and election of directors

Law that changes the rules of the payment arrangement system signed

Check out the participation of Dr. Jayme Petra de Mello Neto, legal coordinator, in the symposium held by ANEFAC

Ordinance No. 20 of June 18, 2020 provides guidelines for returning to the workplace due to covid-19

TJSP launches portal to communicate measures on LGPD

Government sets up Digital Governance and Information Security Committee

Unjustified absences and their impact on vacation entitlement

Payment of time-barred tax credit must be refunded

CVM regulatory deadlines resume for Administrative Sanctioning Proceedings

CMN regulates Working Capital Program for business preservation

Pandemic reveals opportunities for mergers and acquisitions

Exceptional collaboration measures between competitors

MP allows sharing of fiduciary alienation

How companies can avoid labor lawsuits due to Covid-19

Normative Instruction 81/20: reducing bureaucracy and consolidating regulations for business registrations

New Legal Framework for Basic Sanitation published

European Court of Justice declares EU-US Privacy Shield invalid

The return of mergers and acquisitions to the Brazilian market

Visual Law in the Judiciary: Federal Court of Rio Grande do Norte reforms writ of summons and attachment summons

Superior Labor Court rules that the guarantee of temporary stability is inapplicable to pregnant employees hired on a temporary basis

Advisory boards in limited liability companies as a corporate governance tool

Proposal to create a type of institution responsible for initiating payment transactions

Strenuous working hours do not generate moral damage “in ré ipsa”, according to the Superior Labor Court, which requires full proof of the damage

FI-Infra shares to be traded on B3

New ANEEL resolution provides for liquidity injection in the electricity sector

Hearings by videoconference in the Labor Courts

Chamber approves Provisional Measure 944/20, which grants a line of credit to cover the salaries of small and medium-sized companies

TV Câmara Campinas – Tax reform and the covid-19 pandemic.

MP 959/2020 extended by Congress

Right to refund overpaid PIS and COFINS under the tax substitution regime

Bill 1.397/2020 and emergency measures for economic agents

President vetoes Bill 675/2020 in its entirety

Labor reform does not apply to contracts prior to its entry into force

CVM created the Regulatory Sandbox Committee

Incidence of IOF on transactions carried out by factoring companies

Inclusion of serological tests for infection with the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) in health plans

New legal framework for basic sanitation goes to presidential sanction

Central Bank announces new measures to combat the effects of Covid-19 on the economy

Debtor must be personally summoned to comply with judgment

The limits of interest rates in Brazil

Law published to combat food waste

Bill to suspend health plan readjustments

Deadline for submitting Foreign Capital Census declarations is now open

Regional Labor Court denies employment relationship to motorcycle courier

Securities and Exchange Commission Instruction reduces minimum shareholding percentages for filing lawsuits and exercising related rights

Overview of insurance law in times of pandemic

The use of judicial guarantee insurance and bank guarantee to replace the appeal deposit

Provisional Measure 983 and Electronic Signatures in the Public Sector

International Labor Organization issues guidelines for returning to work during the Covid-19 pandemic

Public Hearing on the revision of accounting and auditing standards

How does tax reform look with the pandemic?

What are the rights of workers who contract Covid-19?

Law modernizes management of federal real estate

IRPJ and CSLL levied on interest on credits from the exclusion of ICMS from the PIS and COFINS calculation base must be paid when the offset is approved

Normative Act simplifies Public Company Registration

What are the rights of workers who contract Covid-19? See questions

ANM opens public consultation for notice of availability of areas

Open Banking and Data Protection

Law 14.010/2020 and its impact on private law

Decree encourages projects with environmental and social benefits

The concept of profit to be considered in international treaties according to the STJ

The National Monetary Council regulates joint and several guarantee companies and counter-guarantee companies

The changes made to Provisional Measure 936/2020 with the publication of Ordinance 10.486 of April 22, 2020

After the chaos in health, will there be chaos in justice?

The Labor Court and the effective use of electronic media due to the COVID-19 pandemic

MAPA launches National Bioinput Program for the use of biological resources in agriculture and livestock farming

After the chaos in health, will there be chaos in justice?

Census of Foreign Capital in the Country

CADE allows collaboration between competitors in times of coronavirus

FGTS payment and Provisional Measure 927

Company’s request for suspension of the effects of the protest of a title granted due to the Covid-19 pandemic

Company in Judicial Recovery may use amounts raised in auctions to maintain its activities during the pandemic

Normative Instruction provides for the modernization of procurement planning by the Public Administration

Sixth Panel of the Superior Labor Court establishes understanding on the obligation of labor debts in sales of isolated units in Judicial Reorganization Proceedings

Decree regulates the use of the financial credit provided for in the new IT Law

Coronavirus and the decrease in employer cash flow

Digital meetings: the modernization of corporate law

CVM authorizes remote participation and voting for debenture holders

National Mining Agency launches Lavra Plan with actions to minimize the effects of the pandemic and bring security to investors

Securities and Exchange Commission makes it possible to submit Administrative Agreements electronically

Application of the Differentiated Regime extended during the pandemic

Due to Covid-19, a company in Judicial Recovery has had its obligations suspended for four months

Responsible Management has already served more than 15 companies without charging any fees, but do you know how it came about?

Marília wins committee to help entrepreneurs during the pandemic

STF suspends the effectiveness of Provisional Measure 954/2020

Coronavirus in the tourism and entertainment sectors

How to minimize the economic impact of the crisis on companies

STF recognizes the general repercussion on the unconstitutionality of the SISCOMEX tax increase

Registry offices now offer 100% online deed and power of attorney services

Governo adia entrada em vigor para a Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados

Circular regulating Open Banking published

STF consolidates understanding that ICMS is levied only on electricity actually used

Teleworking and its models, understand!

CVM trials to be held exclusively by videoconference