TRT 15 rules out stability for former Cipa member fired after UPI sale

Sibele de Oliveira PimentaLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados The TRT of the 15th Region upheld the ordinary appeal of a company undergoing judicial reorganization to dismiss the stability claim and rule out the right to a provisional job guarantee for a CIPA member who was dismissed after the sale of the UPI – Isolated Production […]

TST dismisses joint and several liability of company in judicial reorganization

Sibele de Oliveira PimentaLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados The 5th Panel of the Superior Labor Court upheld the appeal filed by a company undergoing judicial reorganization in the interior of São Paulo against the ruling handed down by the Regional Labor Court of the 15th Region, in which it sought to dismiss the joint and […]

TRT of the 15th region recognizes incompetence of labor courts to expropriate assets of company under judicial reorganization

A 5ª Turma da 9ª Câmara do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 15ª Região deu provimento ao Agravo de Petição interposto por Empresa do Interior Paulista que se encontra em Recuperação Judicial, que buscava a reconsideração da ordem de penhora da sua frota de caminhões, suspendendo os atos executórios para deferir a expedição de certidão para habilitação dos créditos no Juízo Recuperacional.