STF agrees on attachment of guarantor’s family assets in commercial lease agreement
Tatiane Bagagí FariaLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados The Federal Supreme Court, by a majority of votes, ruled that the attachment of a guarantor’s family assets in a lease agreement for commercial property is constitutional, dismissing the view that only in residential leases would it be possible to attach the guarantor’s only asset. In the recent […]
Property is not a substitute for cash when enforcing a judgment, decides 3rd panel of the STJ
Tatiane Bagagí FariaLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados In a recent decision, the 3rd Panel of the Superior Court of Justice ruled on Special Appeal No. 1942671/SP (2020/0157074-0) and established the understanding that the property offered for seizure by the debtor does not replace payment in cash of the amount charged, considering the preferential order of […]
Law No. 14.195/21 amends the rule on summons and provides for the imposition of a fine for acts against the dignity of justice
Em 27/08/2021, foi publicada a Lei nº 14.195/21, que visa facilitar a abertura de empresas, dentre outras modificações legislativas no que concerne ao direito empresarial.
Impossibility for co-owner to prevent judicial sale of property
A Terceira Turma do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ), em decisão recente, firmou entendimento acerca do limite do exercício do direito do coproprietário de um bem imóvel
Law No. 14.112/2020: Innovations on the judicial reorganization of rural producers
Lei nº 14.112/2020, que entrou em vigor em janeiro de 2021, trouxe alterações à Lei de Recuperação Judicial e Falências, apresentando, como novidade significativa, a legitimidade do produtor rural na qualidade de empresário individual, para pleitear a recuperação judicial,
STJ: Builder and developer liable for late delivery of property
STJ condenou construtora e incorporadora ao pagamento de indenização aos compradores de imóvel comercial em virtude de atraso na entrega do imóvel.
Possibility of reviewing rental contracts due to the extraordinary rise in the IGP-M index (FGV)
Tatiane Bagagí Faria and Vitor José Ferreira do CoutoLawyers at Marcos Martins Advogados It has become a well-known fact that the IGP-M index (FGV) had a very high variation of more than 23% last year. This variation has not been seen for almost 20 years and was generated by economic impactssuch as the devaluation of […]
Mediation and conciliation in the context of Judicial Reorganization since the advent of Law No. 14.112/2020
Tatiane Bagagí FariaLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados In January 2021, Law No. 14.112/2020 came into force, bringing important changes and innovations to the reorganization and bankruptcy sphere, until then regulated by Law No. 11.101/2005, in particular the express encouragement to adopt alternative methods for resolving conflicts. For some years now, Brazilian legislation has been encouraging […]
TJSP relativizes impeniability of property mortgaged as collateral for rural credit bill
Em recente decisão, o Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo relativizou a regra de impenhorabilidade dos bens objeto de hipoteca como garantia de cédula de crédito rural, conforme previsto no artigo 69 do Decreto Lei 167/67, e autorizou a penhora dos bens hipotecados em favor de instituição bancária, sob o argumento de que a impenhorabilidade não é absoluta quando demonstrado que não ocorrerá o esvaziamento da garantia.
STJ considered valid a clause in the judicial reorganization plan that prevents creditors from pursuing claims against co-obligors
Em recente decisão, a 3ª Turma do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) julgou válida cláusula constante de plano de recuperação judicial que impede os credores da recuperanda de buscarem a satisfação dos créditos sujeitos aos efeitos da recuperação judicial em face de garantidores e coobrigados.