Arbitration – The principle of broad access does not apply to arbitration proceedings

Vanessa Salem EidLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados Arbitration proceedings, just like judicial proceedings, are governed by some fundamental principles that serve as the basis for the Arbitration Law itself (Law No. 9.307/96), including the adversarial process; the equality of the parties; the impartiality of the arbitrator and his free will, as well as the fundamental […]
Possession repossessions against families are suspended in the pandemic
Em julho deste ano, o Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), no julgamento da ADPF 828, determinou a suspensão de ordens ou medidas de desocupação de áreas que estivessem habitadas em data anterior à 20 de março de 2020, quando foi aprovado o estado de calamidade pública em razão da pandemia do COVID-19.
Case law: application of the Price Table in real estate purchase contracts
Em decisão monocrática no Recurso Especial nº 951.894/DF, a ministra do Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ), Maria Isabel Gallotti, afastou a presunção de ilegalidade da Tabela Price aplicada na atualização das parcelas de financiamento imobiliário.
Law 14.195/21: Intercurrent prescription and the importance of prior research by the creditor
Vanessa Salem EidLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados The judicial enforcement process has been constantly updated with the application of new technologies, such as new means of locating debtors’ assets. The law and technology, when they go hand in hand, increase the chances of satisfying the credit sought by the creditor. Among some of the most […]
Domestic violence and the new condominium reporting rule
Lei propõe que condomínios residenciais e comerciais devem informar casos de violência doméstica contra mulheres, crianças, adolescentes ou idosos.