SNIPER: how does this tool increase the effectiveness of credit recovery processes?

Vitor José Ferreira do CoutoLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados Aware of the fact that Brazil is one of the leaders in filing lawsuits and has one of the most significant workloads in the world, the National Council of Justice, in partnership with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the United Nations Development Program, created the […]

TJSP recognizes validity of compensation in judicial reorganization

Em recente julgado, o Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo[1] manteve decisão do juiz de primeiro grau confirmando a validade de cláusula de plano de recuperação judicial que prevê a possibilidade de realização de compensação com credores que possuem débitos com a recuperanda.

STJ: Denunciation of lede to guarantor of counter-guarantee contract inadmissible

Vitor José Ferreira do CoutoLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados In a recent ruling, the Superior Court of Justice decided that it is not possible to directly denounce guarantors in counter-guarantee contracts in which the insurer has a contract with another insurer. In this specific case, the Third Panel of the STJ, in the judgment of […]

Judicial reorganization: TJSP approves Cram Down plan

Vitor José Ferreira do CoutoLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados In a recent ruling, the São Paulo State Court of Appeals[1] upheld a lower court judge’s decision confirming the approval of a reorganization plan approved under the cram down procedure, which authorizes the judge to approve the reorganization plan even without the approval of all classes […]