Digital currency: why could it be good for Brazil?

Artigo do Dr. Jayme Petra de Mello Neto sobre a criação da moeda digital brasileira é destaque no portal SEGS. O advogado pontua as principais dúvidas sobre a moeda digital e avalia os benefícios e impactos na economia do nosso país.

The need for a bold reform of the Commercial Representation Law

A atividade de representação comercial autônoma é regida por lei especial, no caso, a 4.886/65, com as alterações trazidas pela 8.420/92. Trata-se de legislação antiga e desatualizada no contexto de desenvolvimento tecnológico e econômico-comercial.

Extrajudicial usucaption as a means of quickly regularizing property ownership

Natália Fioravanti SalvadoriLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados Usucaption is a way of originally acquiring ownership of property and is also an important tool for regularizing real estate, especially when there are cases of irregular land division and dismemberment. However, considering that the Judiciary is overflowing with lawsuits in its various instances, Brazil has seen the […]

Pandemic accelerates search for succession planning

Thais CorderoLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados The Covid-19 pandemic is claiming more and more victims in Brazil. Faced with the realization of how perishable life is, more and more people are looking for ways to draw up a will or even family succession planning, in the case of entrepreneurs. The result is that, according to […]