Types of rural credit: which is best for your business?

Rural financing plays a fundamental role in the development of agribusiness. With a variety of types of rural credit available, each adapted to the specific needs of producers, accessing these resources can be the key to sustainable growth and efficiency in the agricultural sector. In this material, we will explore the different types of rural […]

Agribusiness challenges: strategies for the sector’s evolution

desafios do agronegócio

Agribusiness accounted for an impressive 24.8% of GDP last year, according to the Center for Advanced Studies in Applied Economics (Cepea/Esalq/USP) and the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil (CNA). In addition, Brazil is one of the world’s leading exporters of agricultural products, one of the essential activities for the performance of the national […]

Is Brazilian legislation prepared to protect the economy from climate change?

mudanças climáticas

In recent times, we have seen an intensification of extreme weather events. Almost every day we come across news about droughts, forest fires, heat and cold waves, floods, landslides, cyclones, tornadoes and windstorms. In Brazil alone, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), 12 climate change-related events were recorded in 2023. The historic flooding of […]

Articles of association: strategic clauses for a solid company

contrato social

The memorandum of association is the document that establishes the basic conditions for setting up a company, such as the company name, the corporate purpose, the distribution of shares, among others. For the contract to be valid, the law establishes a series of mandatory clauses, which lay down the basic premises for registering the company. […]

How and why to incorporate ESG factors into business?


First of all, it is important to clarify that it is no simple task to measure the degree of compliance of each company and what practices are required in each segment of activity to meet ESG objectives and factors. The methodologies are diverse and the study of this science is wide-ranging. These are changing criteria […]

Rural credit: learn how to facilitate access for farmers

Agribusiness accounted for an impressive 24.8% of GDP last year, according to the Center for Advanced Studies in Applied Economics (Cepea/Esalq/USP) and the Confederation of Agriculture and Livestock of Brazil (CNA). Despite this, only 15.5% of producers accessed rural credit during the period analyzed in Brazil’s last Agricultural Census. But how can this reality be […]

Succession planning in the agro-industrial enterprise

A sucessão no empreendimento agroindustrial

In recent decades, agribusiness has been gaining more and more prominence in the world economy and in business activity, requiring its administrators to manage resources and production processes efficiently. Professionalization encompasses the application of strategic planning practices, training and qualification of people, financial control, logistics and marketing, as well as increasingly strategic investments in technology. […]

Challenges of AI regulation in the M&A sector

IA no setor de M&A

With the rapid development of highly complex disruptive technologies, innovative tools such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the blockchain protocol are increasingly gaining ground in the legal market, with an emphasis on the M&A sector. In addition to optimizing operational efficiency, analysing data, automating processes and guaranteeing the integrity of transactions and/or their respective data, […]

Mariana Piva is the new head of the Labor practice at Marcos Martins Advogados

We announce the arrival of Mariana Piva as the newest member of the firm’s team of specialists. She will take over as the new head of the Labor area, which focuses on companies, providing legal assistance in preventive, advisory, judicial or administrative litigation. With a degree in Law, specializations in Labour Law and Labour Procedure […]