Mediation and conciliation in the context of Judicial Reorganization since the advent of Law No. 14.112/2020
Tatiane Bagagí FariaLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados In January 2021, Law No. 14.112/2020 came into force, bringing important changes and innovations to the reorganization and bankruptcy sphere, until then regulated by Law No. 11.101/2005, in particular the express encouragement to adopt alternative methods for resolving conflicts. For some years now, Brazilian legislation has been encouraging […]
Expectations for the textile industry post-pandemic
A indústria têxtil foi um dos setores que reagiram mais rapidamente à crise da Covid-19 e é vista como fator importante na retomada da economia.
Find out about the webinar on the mergers and acquisitions market and the opportunities for 2021
Marcos Martins Advogados, in partnership with TBS Consultoria, held the online event “Mergers and Acquisitions: current context and opportunities for 2021” on December 10. Importance of Due Diligence During the virtual panel, the impacts of the mergers and acquisitions (M&A) market in the current context and the projections for 2021 were discussed, as well as […]
Article on the advances and setbacks in the reorganization and bankruptcy law is featured in the newspaper Valor Econômico
On November 25, the Federal Senate approved a bill to reform the Bankruptcy and Reorganization Law, which is awaiting approval by President Jair Bolsonaro. The text brings many advances over the current wording, which dates back to 2005. The reforms were so far-reaching that the community has come to refer to it as the New […]
Responsible Management Committee: how was the webinar on crisis management and post-pandemic perspectives?
Comitê Gestão Responsável abordou em webinário sobre a importância da gestão de crise e as perspectivas pós-pandemia para as empresas.
Should improvements made by the tenant be reflected in the valuation of the property for the purposes of adjusting the rent during the term of the commercial lease?
É muito comum os locatários realizarem benfeitorias e/ou acessões no imóvel locado durante a vigência do contrato de aluguel, para o fim de atenderem às necessidades de seu negócio, ou seja a locação comercial, as quais se incorporam ao bem e, consequentemente, valorização do imóvel.
Overview of insurance law in times of pandemic
It is undeniable that the insurance market is already suffering a major impact from the effects of the new coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, with a successive increase in claims. This impact on the market is generating enormous legal uncertainty, as it is not known how insurers will handle current and future policies, as well as the offer of products and services, with the risk of a medium and long-term scenario of greater litigation, requiring prior analysis of possible discussions.
Closure of the Board of Trade – Legal implications
A partir do dia 23/03/2020, a Junta Comercial do Estado de São Paulo anunciou a suspensão de todos os seus processos e procedimentos, mesmo os que estavam pendentes até esta data.
Covid-19 and Judicial Reorganizations: some reflections
Na esteira da situação crítica econômica que se avizinha com a Pandemia de COVID-19, muito se tem estudado e falado sobre os impactos nas relações trabalhistas, contratos, interesses econômicos.
Coronavirus: what are the impacts on the relationship between companies and workers?
Os impactos do novo coronavírus começam a se aproximar da realidade brasileira. Estamos longe de enfrentar uma situação como a de países europeus e asiáticos, mas, por aqui, já há eventos sendo cancelados e empresas orientando funcionários a trabalhar de casa, conforme o número de casos aumenta.