Mediation and conciliation in the context of Judicial Reorganization since the advent of Law No. 14.112/2020

Tatiane Bagagí FariaLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados In January 2021, Law No. 14.112/2020 came into force, bringing important changes and innovations to the reorganization and bankruptcy sphere, until then regulated by Law No. 11.101/2005, in particular the express encouragement to adopt alternative methods for resolving conflicts. For some years now, Brazilian legislation has been encouraging […]

Overview of insurance law in times of pandemic

It is undeniable that the insurance market is already suffering a major impact from the effects of the new coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, with a successive increase in claims. This impact on the market is generating enormous legal uncertainty, as it is not known how insurers will handle current and future policies, as well as the offer of products and services, with the risk of a medium and long-term scenario of greater litigation, requiring prior analysis of possible discussions.

Best execution of orders: legal foundations for protecting non-institutional investors and encouraging greater access to the stock market

Em um movimento de maior proteção dos investidores não institucionais, resguardando a sua função primordial de garantidora da Poupança Popular, a Comissão de Valores Mobiliários colocou em audiência pública (CVM – SDM 09/2019) uma proposta de alteração dos mecanismos de melhor execução das ordens de clientes não institucionais, referido em Mercado de Capitais como Best Execution.