How can the Over-indebtedness Law create a generation of indebted people?

An article by lawyer Jayme Petra de Mello Neto is featured on the Jornal Contábil portal. The article deals with the new Indebtedness Law, which aims to establish a guideline of caution when granting credit, checking the true balance between the citizen’s income and their amount of debt. Read the article here.

What is an IPO? Understand how it works

IPO (do inglês Initial Public Offering), também conhecido no Brasil como Oferta Pública de Emissão, é o processo no qual uma companhia realiza a emissão de um lote de ações ou outros valores mobiliários para negociação no Mercado

What are the impacts of Provisional Measure 1.040/21 on reducing bureaucracy in the business environment?

Dr. Thais Cordero’s article continues to be featured in important media outlets, one of which is Startupi, a news and content portal about the startup ecosystem, innovation, investments, entrepreneurship and technology. The article deals with Provisional Measure MP 1041/2021, which aims to reduce bureaucracy in the country’s business environment and brings significant changes in the […]

LGPD: what to do to avoid penalties?

Article by Dr. Thais Cordero on the General Data Protection Law is featured on the SEGS portal. The LGPD has already come into force, but around 84% of organizations have not yet adapted to the standards required by the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD), according to a study by CodeBy. Read the full article at […]

From August 1st, 2021, LGPD penalties may apply

A Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais (LGPD) está em vigor desde setembro de 2020. No entanto, somente em 1º de agosto de 2021 passarão a ser aplicadas as penalidades para quem descumprir suas regras.