Labor Prosecutor’s Office Releases Recommendations on Teleworking

Ariadne Fabiane VelosaLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and its adaptations for work, one of which is the home office, the Public Ministry of Labor (MPT) has released a technical note[1] with 17 recommended practices for companies, unions and public administration bodies during teleworking, in order to guarantee the health and […]

Teleworking and the Right to Disconnect

Ariadne Fabiane VelosaLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados In recent years, the way work is carried out has undergone significant technological, industrial and methodological changes, which have required employers and employees to adapt to new forms and modus operandi of work. Technological development has directly affected labor relations, with significant repercussions on the legal rules that […]

Vaccination against Covid-19 and Employment Relations

Ariadne Fabiane VelosaLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados Can a company require its employees to keep their jobs if they are vaccinated against Covid-19? The issue is still quite controversial, especially in light of the decision by the Federal Supreme Court, which ruled on the possibility of a mandatory vaccination policy for the population, culminating in […]

Bill 1.397/2020 and emergency measures for economic agents

In a virtual Extraordinary Deliberative Session on May 21, 2020, the Chamber of Deputies approved Bill no. 1.397/2020, authored by Deputy Hugo Leal (PSD-RJ). The Bill seeks to institute emergency measures to prevent the economic and financial crisis of economic agents, particularly affecting business contracts and ongoing judicial recoveries, as well as the infrastructure and capital market sectors.

The limits of interest rates in Brazil

The analysis of the application of legal norms involving the charging of remunerative interest in the contractual sphere is a subject of much discussion by law enforcers, especially with regard to the limit on contracted interest rates.

Overview of insurance law in times of pandemic

It is undeniable that the insurance market is already suffering a major impact from the effects of the new coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, with a successive increase in claims. This impact on the market is generating enormous legal uncertainty, as it is not known how insurers will handle current and future policies, as well as the offer of products and services, with the risk of a medium and long-term scenario of greater litigation, requiring prior analysis of possible discussions.

Exceptional Transaction

A PGFN, por meio da Portaria 14.402/2020[1], estabeleceu novas regras para adesão da transação excepcional, medida que visa superar a situação econômico-financeira provocada pelo coronavírus (COVID-19), direcionada para aqueles que possuem débitos inscritos em dívida ativa da União.