Companies can recover unduly paid taxes. Find out how

Lawyer Ângelo Ambrizzi talks to the Metrópoles portal about how companies can request a refund of unduly paid taxes, and how a comprehensive tax reform could improve inconsistencies in the country’s tax legislation. Read here.

Pandemic reveals opportunities for mergers and acquisitions

An article by Dr. Gabriela de Ávila Machado, a lawyer at the firm, on the pandemic scenario and the increase in opportunities for corporate mergers and acquisitions, is featured on the Âmbito Jurídico website. Read the full article here.

The return of mergers and acquisitions to the Brazilian market

An article by Gabriela de Ávila Machado, a lawyer at the firm, on the Covid-19 economic crisis and the return of mergers and acquisitions to the Brazilian market, is featured on the Lex Latin website, a portal specializing in the Latin American legal market. Read the article here.

How does tax reform look with the pandemic?

Artigo do Dr. Ângelo Ambrizzi, líder tributário do escritório, sobre a reforma tributária e pandemia da covid-19, é destaque no Diário do Comércio de Minas Gerais, especializado em Economia, Gestão e Negócios. Leia o artigo aqui.

What are the rights of workers who contract Covid-19?

Dr. Luara Rezende, a lawyer at the firm, opines in an article on labor rights and covid-19, on the STF’s decision to consider workers’ contamination by coronavirus an occupational disease. The article was featured on the website of the Federation of Workers in the Construction and Furniture Industries of the State of Paraná – FETRACONSPAR. […]

After the chaos in health, will there be chaos in justice?

Com a pandemia da Covid-19, o setor jurídico teve que se adaptar às mudanças e novas realidades do cenário atual. Artigo do Dr. Marcos Martins, opina sobre o futuro do Judiciário e o aumento de processos pós pandemia do coronavírus foi destaque no IT FORUM 365

After the chaos in health, will there be chaos in justice?

An article by Dr. Marcos Martins, founding partner of the firm, opines on the future of the Judiciary and the increase in lawsuits following the coronavirus pandemic. The article was featured on Lexlatin, a portal specializing in the Latin American legal market. Read the article here.

Marília wins committee to help entrepreneurs during the pandemic

On Saturday (16), the team from the Responsible Management committee, of which Marcos Martins is a member, was featured in an interview about consultancies to help businesspeople during the new coronavirus pandemic with TEM Notícias, a Rede Globo affiliate newspaper in the Bauru and Marília region. See story.