How the Covid-19 crisis has affected mergers and acquisitions in Brazil
An article by Dr. Gabriela de Ávila Machado is featured on the Conjur portal. The text talks about the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on mergers and acquisitions in Brazil and the market’s reactions to this scenario. Read the full article.
The problems that tax reform needs to solve
Dr. Ângelo Ambrizzi’s article for the LexLatin portal talks about tax reform and discusses the bureaucratic processes involved, including reducing the tax burden. Read the full article
Data Protection Officer: Learn more about the profession and how to enter the field
Dr. Gabriela de Ávila Machado, a certified specialist and professional reference in the country on DPO – Data Protection Officer, talks about the multidisciplinary role that the professional responsible for protecting the data of a company and its clients will need to have with the entry into force of the LGPD – General Data Protection […]
Environment in Full – National program aims to popularize the use of bio-inputs
Gabriela de Ávila Machado, a lawyer at the firm, spoke to TV Justiça about the National BioInputs Program, which aims to boost the use of biological resources in agriculture. The lawyer spoke about the guidelines of Decree 6.913, of July 23, 2009, and the innovations of bioagronomy in the corporate market. See the full article.
Renegotiation is an essential step against debt
In an article for CBN Campinas, Dr. Mário Conforti, leader of the firm’s Civil area and a specialist in litigation, outlines basic tips and recommendations on the growth of the default bubble, due to the covid-19 pandemic and how debt renegotiation can be essential in this scenario. Read the full article.
Pandemic reveals opportunities for mergers and acquisitions
An article by Dr. Gabriela de Ávila Machado, a lawyer at the firm, on the pandemic scenario and the increase in opportunities for corporate mergers and acquisitions, is featured on the Âmbito Jurídico website. Read the full article here.
How companies can avoid labor lawsuits due to Covid-19
An article by Dr. Sibele Pimenta, a lawyer at the firm, on the covid-19 pandemic and labor lawsuits, is featured in Consultor Jurídico, one of the largest websites specializing in Justice and Law in the country. Read the article.
The return of mergers and acquisitions to the Brazilian market
An article by Gabriela de Ávila Machado, a lawyer at the firm, on the Covid-19 economic crisis and the return of mergers and acquisitions to the Brazilian market, is featured on the Lex Latin website, a portal specializing in the Latin American legal market. Read the article here.
TV Câmara Campinas – Tax reform and the covid-19 pandemic.
Dr. Ângelo Ambrizzi, a leading tax lawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados, took part in an interview with TV Câmara de Campinas and gave his opinion on the Tax Reform and the covid-19 pandemic. See the full article.
How does tax reform look with the pandemic?
Artigo do Dr. Ângelo Ambrizzi, líder tributário do escritório, sobre a reforma tributária e pandemia da covid-19, é destaque no Diário do Comércio de Minas Gerais, especializado em Economia, Gestão e Negócios. Leia o artigo aqui.