What are the rights of workers who contract Covid-19?
Dr. Luara Rezende, a lawyer at the firm, opines in an article on labor rights and covid-19, on the STF’s decision to consider workers’ contamination by coronavirus an occupational disease. The article was featured on the website of the Federation of Workers in the Construction and Furniture Industries of the State of Paraná – FETRACONSPAR. […]
What are the rights of workers who contract Covid-19? See questions
In an article in G1, Dr. Luara Rezende, a labor lawyer at the firm, comments on the STF’s decision that considered a worker’s contamination by coronavirus to be an occupational disease. Read the article here.
After the chaos in health, will there be chaos in justice?
Com a pandemia da Covid-19, o setor jurídico teve que se adaptar às mudanças e novas realidades do cenário atual. Artigo do Dr. Marcos Martins, opina sobre o futuro do Judiciário e o aumento de processos pós pandemia do coronavírus foi destaque no IT FORUM 365
After the chaos in health, will there be chaos in justice?
An article by Dr. Marcos Martins, founding partner of the firm, opines on the future of the Judiciary and the increase in lawsuits following the coronavirus pandemic. The article was featured on Lexlatin, a portal specializing in the Latin American legal market. Read the article here.
Marília wins committee to help entrepreneurs during the pandemic
On Saturday (16), the team from the Responsible Management committee, of which Marcos Martins is a member, was featured in an interview about consultancies to help businesspeople during the new coronavirus pandemic with TEM Notícias, a Rede Globo affiliate newspaper in the Bauru and Marília region. See story.
Coronavirus in the tourism and entertainment sectors
Governo Federal editou a MP 948 que trata de cancelamentos de serviços, reservas e eventos. Nosso advogado Dr, Jayme Petra de Mello, especialista em Direito Civil, falou sobre o impacto do novo coronavírus nos setores de turismo e entretenimento, em matéria para o site da Federação da Câmara de Dirigentes Lojistas de Santa Catarina. Leia […]
How to minimize the economic impact of the crisis on companies
The federal government has announced a series of tax and economic measures that could be essential at this time.An article by the firm’s tax leader, Ângelo Ambrizzi, on how to minimize the economic impact of the crisis on companies, was featured in Marco Zero Business & Opportunities in Tourism magazine. Read it here
8 measures to minimize the economic impact of the coronavirus on your company
The Federal Government has announced a series of measures to minimize the impact of Covid-19 on companies. The article by Marcos Martins Advogados’ tax leader, Ângelo Ambrizzi, which addresses the issue and gives tips on how entrepreneurs can protect their business at this time, was featured on IT FORUM 365, a portal specializing in Information […]
Government to finance salaries of small and medium-sized companies for the next 2 months (covid-19)
On Friday (27), the government announced a R$40 billion package to minimize the impact of Covid-19 on small and medium-sized businesses. Our lawyer Ângelo Ambrizzi, head of the Tax practice, spoke about how the measure will be a relief for entrepreneurs in the coming months. You can read the full article on LexLatin, a portal […]
Are absences during lockdown considered justified? (covid-19)
The coronavirus pandemic has raised a number of concerns among workers. One of the most frequent doubts is whether absences in the event of isolation are considered justified. Our corporate labor lawyer Sibele Pimenta spoke to the Radioweb Agency and clarified in which situations this is valid.Access>