Falling interest rates: opportunities and challenges
The article “Falling interest rates: opportunities and challenges”, written by our head, Jayme Petra, is featured in Valor Econômico. According to the latest Focus Bulletin, economists estimate that the Selic rate will reach 9% in 2024. In addition, inflation is expected to fall, with the IPCA below 4%, and GDP is expected to grow, albeit […]
Taxpayers and lawyers work on new theses to challenge ICMS Difal
In an interview with Jota journalist Carolina Ingizza, Angelo Ambrizzi, head of our tax department, commented on the legal disputes surrounding the collection of the ICMS rate differential – Difal. Difal is charged on interstate transactions involving the sale of goods and services to recipients who are not ICMS taxpayers. However, its collection is questioned […]
Judicial reorganization: crop failure causes claims to skyrocket in 2023
Leonardo Ribeiro Dias, head of our litigation, arbitration and insolvency department, was interviewed live on Canal Rural’s Mercado & Cia program, where he discussed the crop failure and the increase in requests for judicial recovery by rural producers. During the conversation with journalist Pryscilla Paiva, Leonardo explained, among other things, how the judicial recovery process […]
STF hears new appeal on ICMS on the transfer of goods between branches
In an interview with journalist Marcela Villar, from Valor Econômico, Angelo Ambrizzi, head of our tax area, commented on the judgment of the new appeal in a lawsuit filed by Sindicom on the levying of ICMS on the transfer of goods between branches. When the STF ruled on the issue in 2021, it was decided […]
After an increase in bankruptcies and judicial reorganizations, bill aims to speed up proceedings
2023 was the year with the 4th highest rate of requests for judicial recoveries in the history of Serasa Experian (which began in 2005) and the highest figure since the beginning of the pandemic. Bankruptcy filings also rose in the period. As both processes take a long time to be resolved in Brazil, the Ministry […]
With Gol in receivership, what happens to passengers? Is there a risk of no flight?
In an interview with Uol journalist Alexandre Saconi, Leonardo Ribeiro Dias, head of our litigation, arbitration and insolvency practice, commented on Gol’s judicial reorganization process. With the announcement of its adherence to Chapter 11 in the United States, many questions have been raised, including why the company chose to file outside of Brazil. According to […]
Employee health is the legal responsibility of companies
The article “Employee health is the legal responsibility of companies”, written by Lucas Landi Brito, a lawyer from our labor team, is featured in Correio Braziliense. The list of occupational diseases has been readjusted, 24 years after its implementation, to reflect current health risks in the workplace. In all, the Ministry of Health has included […]
What should be Gol’s next steps in judicial reorganization in the US?
In an interview with InfoMoney journalist Iuri Santos, Leonardo Ribeiro Dias, head of our litigation, arbitration and insolvency practice, commented on the next steps for Gol, which is undergoing judicial reorganization in the US. Gol has filed for judicial reorganization in the US and now depends on the approval of the US$950 million financing through […]
The impacts of tax reform on the commercial and industrial sectors
The article “The impacts of tax reform on the commercial and industrial sectors”, written by Angelo Ambrizzi, head of our tax department, is featured in Gazeta do Povo. In addition to unifying various taxes and reducing bureaucracy in the tax collection system, the tax reform seeks to reduce distortions in the tax burden calculated along […]
New equal pay criteria
The article “New criteria for equal pay”, written by Anna Kalmus, a lawyer in the labor team, is featured on the HR for You portal. Despite progress, the IBGE still points to disparities in women’s pay. In order to minimize these inequalities, a new law was recently passed, bringing several new features, including the creation […]