Agribusiness and Tax Reform

In an interview with Portal Rural News, Angelo Ambrizzi, our head of tax, spoke about the possible impacts of the tax reform on agribusiness. The expert comments that the tax reform did bring many positive points, but that it still generates legal and economic uncertainty over the vagueness of which rates will be applied to […]

Agribusiness and tax reform

The article “Agribusiness and tax reform”, by Angelo Ambrizzi, head of the tax practice at Marcos Martins Advogados, is featured in Agrofy News. The lawyer comments on the tax reform and the impacts it has had on the agribusiness sector, and explains that the Selective Tax, a tax created with the approval of the reform, […]

Likely increase in ITCMD leads to need for succession planning

The article “Probable increase in ITCMD leads to the need for succession planning”, by Leonardo Cotta Pereira, Head of the Corporate area at Marcos Martins Advogados, is featured in the Estadão newspaper. The lawyer comments that, if the current Tax Reform proposal is approved, there is a serious risk of an increase in the rate […]

The challenge of adapting and modernizing the CLT

The article “O desafio de adequar e modernizar a CLT” (The challenge of adapting and modernizing the CLT), by Luara Rezende, head of the labor department at Marcos Martins Advogados, is featured in the Gazeta de Rio Preto newspaper. The legal certainty that the CLT provides is vital for the growth and development of companies. […]

How the collection of PIS and COFINS on insurance premiums could impact the sector

Em entrevista à revista Apólice, Angelo Ambrizzi, nosso head da área tributária falou sobre os impactos da decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal sobre a validação da incidência das contribuições para o PIS/Cofins sobre os prêmios de seguros. A decisão está fundamentada por entender que estes valores compõem as receitas operacionais da atividade empresarial, ou seja, […]

STF validates collection of PIS/Cofins on insurance premiums; impact could reach R$42 billion

Angelo Ambrizzi, head of our tax department, spoke to Infomoney about the Supreme Court’s decision validating the levying of PIS/Cofins contributions on insurance premiums. In practice, the STF justices decided that the concept of levying taxes on income from financial intermediation is valid. In the case of insurance companies, in relation to the premiums actually […]

STF decision could have an impact of tens of billions of reais for insurers

Angelo Ambrizzi, head of our tax department, spoke to Valor Econômico about the impact of the Supreme Court’s (STF) decision to validate the levying of PIS/Cofins on insurance premiums. The court ruled that PIS and Cofins should not be levied on “revenue other than billing, that is, on the concept of levying taxes on revenue […]

Agricultural News | Agribusiness taxation: Tocantins ruling is unconstitutional

The amount of taxation applied to agribusiness recently generated yet another discussion in the state of Tocantins about the suspension obtained by the Brazilian Association of Soybean and Corn Producers. The suspension was based on the increase in taxes on exports and outgoing products, alleging that the act was unconstitutional. Click here to find out […]