Inheritance tax: the importance of succession planning

The article “Taxation on inheritance: the importance of succession planning”, by lawyer Tiago Aparecido, is featured on the Rota Jurídica portal. Due by the heir, the Causa Mortis and Donation Transfer Tax (ITCMD) is calculated on assets and rights representing the equity or capital of a company, such as a share, quota, share, civil or […]

ESG and the World Cup: what’s the connection?

The article “ESG and the World Cup: what’s the relationship?”, by lawyer Bruna Zampieri Colpani, is featured in the Jurid newspaper. The American newspaper The New York Times has published an article reporting on the number of deaths recorded in Qatar since preparations for the World Cup began, and the figures are alarming. The causes […]

How do new family structures impact succession planning?

The article “How do new family structures impact succession planning?”, by lawyer Jayme Petra de Mello Neto, is featured on the Âmbito Jurídico portal. The traditional concept of family, consisting of a man and a woman united by marriage and with legitimate children, is no longer the only option. For some years now, the courts […]

The arrival of Suzy Sampaio, head of People and Management at Marcos Martins Advogados, is featured on the Mundo RH portal

Throughout her career, Suzy has experienced challenges in various HR processes, such as development, recruitment and selection, staffing, benefits management, among others, including in international teams. In addition to dedicating her career to people management, she has always focused on strategic planning. “Far beyond managing teams, the position is extremely important for translating the company’s […]

Judgment on Tax Differential has turned in favor of companies

The article “Judgment on tax differential has turned in favor of companies”, by lawyer Aline Augusta de Menezes, is featured on the Monitor Mercantil portal. The definition of the time frame in which the so-called Difal (Differential Rate) of ICMS on sales to final consumers in another state would be charged remains uncertain. So far, […]

STF to rule on constitutional scope of PIS and COFINS non-cumulative taxation

The article “STF to rule on constitutional scope of PIS and COFINS non-cumulative taxation”, by lawyer Fábio Bernardo, is featured on the Âmbito Jurídico portal. The Federal Supreme Court has included one of today’s most important tax cases on its agenda. This is a discussion on the scope of the constitutional principle of non-cumulative taxation […]

Emprega + Mulheres program: how should companies adapt?

The article “Emprega + Mulheres Program: how should companies adapt?”, by lawyers Monique Lessa and Suzanne Gouveia, is featured on the Segs portal. The program aims to positively transform labor relations, encouraging the participation of women with advantages that impact everyone involved in labor relations. But in order to guarantee the effectiveness of its proposals, […]

Internationalization of companies: how to mitigate legal risks?

The article “Internationalization of companies: how to mitigate legal risks?” by lawyer Jayme Petra de Mello Neto, is featured in the LexPrime newspaper. In an uncertain economic scenario, the internationalization of companies has become a growing movement among companies in Brazil. Whether it’s selling a product abroad or opening a subsidiary, the success of this […]

Tax reform: what can we expect from the next government?

The article “Tax reform: what to expect from the next government?” by lawyer Angelo Ambrizzi, is featured in the Jurid newspaper. Two days before Brazil’s presidential elections, Angelo writes about possible changes in the tax landscape once the government that will lead the country from 2023 has been defined. Whether it’s an ideologically liberal or […]

STF invalidates double pay for vacations outside the legal period

The article “STF invalidates double pay for vacations outside the legal period” by lawyer Suzanne Gouveia is featured on the Mercado Mercantil portal. The Federal Supreme Court has ruled that the double payment of vacations outside the legal period provided for in article 145 of the CLT is unconstitutional. Reporting Justice Alexandre de Moraes voted […]