STF overturns ITCMD levy on VGBL and PGBL supplementary pension plans
The Federal Supreme Court has ruled that it is unconstitutional to levy ITCMD (tax on the transfer of property or rights) on VGBL (free benefit generating plan) and PGBL (free benefit generating life) private pension plans. The judgment on Theme 1.214 was concluded on December 13, 2024, consolidating the understanding that beneficiaries of VGBL and […]
Post-mortem stable union: STJ defines jurisdiction for recognition action
The 3rd Panel of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) has ruled that actions for recognition of a stable union brought against the estate or heirs of a deceased partner, in the absence of incapacitated children, must be heard in the court corresponding to the couple’s last common domicile. This understanding follows the provisions of […]
TST exempts franchisor from paying franchisee’s labor debts
Tribunal Superior do Trabalho isentou a franqueadora de uma empresa a pagar os débitos trabalhistas de uma franqueada
Lecture on the future of the legal profession attracts students and society to UNIVEM’s noble hall
On September 30, UNIVEM’s noble hall was filled with people interested in the future of the legal profession – from law students to entrepreneurs. The partner and founder of the law firm Marcos Martins Advogados, Dr. Marcos Martins, told a little about his career during the lecture “Entrepreneurship in the Legal Profession – The Law […]
TST suspends cases that discuss the validity of collective bargaining clauses that reduce labor rights
The Superior Labor Court has decided, by a majority vote, to suspend all proceedings, in all instances, that question the validity of a collective bargaining agreement that reduces labor rights not guaranteed by the Federal Constitution until the Supreme Court rules on the matter.
TJSP rules that income tax refunds are unseizable
O colegiado entendeu que a devolução ao contribuinte do imposto de renda retido na fonte, permanece com a natureza de verba salarial e impenhorável.
Carbon credits: Law 15.042/24 represents a new chapter for Brazil
Climate change is no longer an issue for the future. Increasingly frequent natural disasters warn of the urgency of the issue and the whole world is trying to find solutions to at least halt the advance of the evil already produced. Within this context, and combining environmental preservation with the financial market, so-called carbon credits […]
Eviction action for non-payment of rent: STJ decides that Judicial Recovery does not interfere
The 3rd Panel of the Superior Court of Justice (STJ), ruling on Special Appeal (REsp) 2.171.089, decided that eviction proceedings for non-payment of rent are not subject to the suspension provided for by the Judicial Reorganization and Bankruptcy Law (Law 11.101/2005). The unanimous decision, in favor of a shopping mall in Brasilia, authorizes the resumption […]
STJ recognizes legal validity of electronic signatures not accredited by ICP-Brasil
In a recent ruling in Special Appeal 2.159.442/PR, it was decided that the use of an electronic signature certifiedby ICP-Brasil (Brazilian Public Key Infrastructure) by a private legal entity is not mandatory in order to give legal validity and probative force to documents signed in this way. The Reporting Justice, Nancy Andrighi, pointed out that […]
Violence and harassment in the workplace: ILO Convention 190
Violence and harassment in the workplace are recurring concerns, as their effects can cause damage to workers’ physical and mental health, as well as having an impact on society and business results as a whole. With the aim of boosting social justice and ensuring fairness in labor relations, Convention 190 was approved in 2019 in […]