STJ: Builder and developer liable for late delivery of property
STJ condenou construtora e incorporadora ao pagamento de indenização aos compradores de imóvel comercial em virtude de atraso na entrega do imóvel.
Provisional Measure allows companies to postpone FGTS payments
Alana DahroujLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados Through Provisional Measure No. 1,046 of 2021, the Federal Government made it possible to postpone the payment of FGTS as a measure to deal with the crisis caused by the pandemic. The possibility of postponing and paying the FGTS in installments covers April, May, June and July 2021, which […]
STF resumes judgment on legality of minimum patent term
Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) retomou o julgamento sobre a constitucionalidade do prazo mínimo de vigência das patentes contido no parágrafo único do artigo 40 da Lei n.º 9.279/96 (Lei da Propriedade Industrial).
Court grants injunction against eviction from tenancy guaranteed by guarantee
The Marília Civil Court granted a request for urgent relief in an eviction action for non-payment of a commercial lease guaranteed by a guarantee, based on article 300 of the Code of Civil Procedure. The eviction injunction was requested by the landlady due to the tenant’s default. The lease agreement provided for the construction of […]
CATs should be issued digitally
Em recente publicação, a Secretaria Especial de Previdência e Trabalho do Ministério da Economia – SEPRT/ME publicou a Portaria nº 4334/2021, que prevê importantes modificações sobre os novos procedimentos e as informações para a emissão do Comunicação de Acidente de Trabalho (CAT) de que trata o art. 22 da Lei nº 8.213, de 24 de julho de 1991.
TJSP defined the illegality of setting a reference value for the collection of ITBI
Em decisão proferida pelo Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo (TJSP) foi afastada em definitivo a cobrança do Imposto sobre a Transmissão de Bens Imóveis (ITBI) utilizando-se a base de cálculo o valor venal de referência do imóvel.
STF withdraws judgment on social security contribution on vacation pay
Alana DahroujLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados The Federal Supreme Court has removed from its agenda the discussion on the modulation of the effects of the decision on the collection of social security contributions on vacation pay, which was due to take place on August 7. The discussion to be dealt with in this judgment refers […]
New record number of M&A transactions in Brazil
Camila Vieira GuimarãesLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados The Mergers and Acquisitions Portal reports a new record number of transactions in Brazil in March/2021, with 159 transactions involving R$ 30.7 billion. The number of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) operations in Brazil has been growing exponentially since January/2021, especially in the areas of information technology and financial […]
STJ: e-commerce site not liable for fraud practiced by product buyer
Natália Fioravanti SalvadoriLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados In a recent decision[1], published on April 8, 2021, the Third Panel of the Superior Court of Justice held that an e-commerce website would not be liable for fraud committed by the buyer of a used cell phone put up for sale by the plaintiff. The lawsuit was […]
Covid-19 effect: Shopping center tenant gets injunction to suspend payment of 13th rent
Em recente decisão, a 27ª Câmara de Direito Privado do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo autorizou a suspensão do pagamento do 13º aluguel de lojista cujo estabelecimento se encontra localizado em shopping center fechado em razão da pandemia.