
Category: Informatives

Arbitration – The principle of broad access does not apply to arbitration proceedings

The right to claim nullity in a challenge to compliance with a judgment expires in 90 days

STF agrees on attachment of guarantor’s family assets in commercial lease agreement

Provisional Measure 1108/22 changes rules on teleworking and food stamps

TRT 15 rules out stability for former Cipa member fired after UPI sale

TST dismisses joint and several liability of company in judicial reorganization

President signs bill regulating pregnant women’s return to on-site activities

STJ defines five-year statute of limitations for action to collect a bank credit bill

Court orders exclusion of ICMS-DIFAL from PIS and Cofins calculation basis

Revision of regulatory standards establishes new work safety routine for companies

Adoption of COVID-19 preventive measures helps avoid convictions in the Labor Courts

Small companies get differentiated regime for the obligations of the General Data Protection Law – LGPD

DIFAL regulation creates possibility for companies to discuss tax collection for 2022

Efficient contract management can minimize risks and legal implications in commercial representation

Labor court denies employment relationship to sales representative without formal contract

Law No. 14.261/2021 that recreates the Ministry of Labor and Social Security and establishes the Electronic Labor Domicile is sanctioned

STJ reaffirms the court’s case law on the appropriateness of arbitration against a company in judicial reorganization

Property is not a substitute for cash when enforcing a judgment, decides 3rd panel of the STJ

Only partners who managed the legal entity at the time of the irregular dissolution are liable for tax debts

Dismissal for just cause for exposing confidential data

Federal Revenue Service to close deadline for settling small federal debts

Salary can be garnished in labor proceedings as long as the debtor’s livelihood is maintained

Possibility of reducing ICMS on electricity bills

TJSP recognizes validity of compensation in judicial reorganization

Ordinance 620/21 of the Ministry of Labor and its consequences in the Labor Courts

TRT of the 15th region recognizes incompetence of labor courts to expropriate assets of company under judicial reorganization

Case law: application of the Price Table in real estate purchase contracts

Vendor Due Diligence: the importance of procedures prior to the purchase and sale of companies

Possibility of credit for the purchase of alcohol gel and protective masks

Procedural legal business – possibility of negotiating payment of federal debts

STJ special court resumes judgment on the application of the Selic rate to civil debts

Public Prosecutor’s Office extends deadline for federal debt settlements

Chamber approves return of pregnant women to in-person work after immunization against Covid-19

TRT-2 understands that covid-19 can only be considered an occupational disease if it is related to the employee’s activities

Change in the way tax administrative proceedings are judged benefits companies

The impact of tax inefficiency on companies’ cash flow

Tax intelligence enables companies’ financial strategy

Law 14.195/21: Intercurrent prescription and the importance of prior research by the creditor

ANPD publishes information security guide for small businesses to comply with the LGPD

Regional Labor Court exempts company from paying fine for paying severance pay in installments

Regional court orders company to pay overtime for monitoring external worker’s working hours via WhatsApp

STJ: Denunciation of lede to guarantor of counter-guarantee contract inadmissible

Law No. 14.195/21 amends the rule on summons and provides for the imposition of a fine for acts against the dignity of justice

Treasury’s delay in making administrative tax refunds guarantees monetary correction for taxpayers

Uniprofessional company obtains right to pay fixed ISS amount

TJMT: Agricultural company obtains judicial reorganization by cram down

Court grants company the right not to include PIS and COFINS in its own calculation bases

TJ-SP: Rent intended for the subsistence of the debtor’s family cannot be seized

Superior Labor Court allows sale of labor credits

Tax immunity – software company obtains right not to pay tax

PGFN publishes notice for installment payment of debts of up to R$ 1 million with FGTS

Company appeals to the courts to secure tax benefit – Drawback Regime

What is an IPO? Understand how it works

Chamber of Deputies approves New Labor Reform bill, text goes to Senate for validation

TJ-SP: “Teimosinha” cannot be used against a company in judicial reorganization

What changes with the new superannuation law?

DREI publishes normative instruction dispensing with signature recognition and admitting digital signatures in corporate acts

Presumptive IPI credit is not part of the PIS and COFINS calculation base

STJ: Jurisdiction of Judicial Reorganization Court subsists until final and unappealable judgment closing reorganization

STJ: Brokerage firm not liable for damages for late delivery of property

Second phase of tax reform is presented and includes changes to Personal Income Tax – IRPF

The challenge for startups and their legal framework

Injunction suspends Attorney General’s Office requirements that limited tax transactions

TJSP authorizes execution of contract without signature of two witnesses

From August 1st, 2021, LGPD penalties may apply

TST does not grant Free Justice without effective Proof of Hyposufficiency

Judiciary grants authorization to postpone payments of IRPJ and CSLL levied on credit

Commission approves exemption of domestic employers and micro-entrepreneurs from labor appeal deposits

Is it possible to auction the whole of a property to satisfy the debt of one of the co-owners?

STF rules that PIS and Cofins can be credited on the purchase of scrap metal

Labor courts locate more than 3 billion reais forgotten in judicial accounts

CNJ publishes rules for resuming face-to-face activities in the Judiciary

Judge authorizes seizure of rents to pay off debt in extrajudicial enforcement case

STJ admits eviction action in sublease agreement with ancillary commercial obligations

Superior Labor Court denies validity of discount provided for in collective bargaining agreement

ANPD publishes Guidance on the LGPD

Law orders pregnant women to stay away from face-to-face activities during the pandemic

STF decides that the DIFAL required of companies opting for Simples Nacional is constitutional

STF defines the exclusion of ICMS from the PIS and COFINS calculation basis

Judicial reorganization: TJSP approves Cram Down plan

STF declares unconstitutional extension of patent term due to delay in INPI analysis

STJ: Builder and developer liable for late delivery of property

Provisional Measure allows companies to postpone FGTS payments

STF resumes judgment on legality of minimum patent term

Court grants injunction against eviction from tenancy guaranteed by guarantee

CATs should be issued digitally

TJSP defined the illegality of setting a reference value for the collection of ITBI

STF withdraws judgment on social security contribution on vacation pay

New record number of M&A transactions in Brazil

STJ: e-commerce site not liable for fraud practiced by product buyer

Covid-19 effect: Shopping center tenant gets injunction to suspend payment of 13th rent

Withdrawal of judicial deposit cannot be discussed

TJSP injunction authorizes replacement of IGP-M by IPCA in commercial contract

Judgment on the legality of the minimum patent term is scheduled for tomorrow

CADE investigates information sharing between companies’ HR departments

Senate and government to discuss the possibility of a new Refis to settle federal tax debts

STJ authorizes PIS and COFINS crediting for single-phase taxpayers

Prioritizing alternative means of conflict resolution in judicial reorganization

Unconstitutionality of PIS and COFINS on presumed ICMS credit

Rio de Janeiro Labor Court regulates party summons via messaging app