
Category: Informatives

Reducing bureaucracy in the inspection of imports of agricultural products

Superior Labor Court waives prior deposit in rescission action brought by inactive company

Property under construction is recognized as family property

President sanctions General Data Protection Law

Decree regulating the LGPD within the scope of the Public Administration of the Municipality of São Paulo

Faster environmental licensing process

Federal Revenue Service and PGFN suspend exclusion from installment payments due to delinquency

New rules on Audiovisual Investment Certificates

Ordinance 10.470 of August 24, 2020 extends the period of suspension and reduction of working hours for a further 02 months

Agricultural credit contracts rise with the Safra Plan

TST regulates gradual resumption of face-to-face activities

State of São Paulo establishes conditions for re-establishing installment payments broken due to delinquency

TJSP data officer appointed

Civil Court dismisses monitory action for lack of procedural interest

CVM opens survey to assess regulatory changes for individual investors

Brazil’s Central Bank is following the growth in the number of card machines and is preparing to launch a new project on the PIX payment platform

Provisional Measure establishing residual emergency aid published

Public consultation opens on mining rights as a guarantee of financing

New CVM guidance on “lives” with directors

CNJ Resolution 332 and the use of Artificial Intelligence in the Judiciary

Structure of the National Data Protection Authority published

Maternity pay should not form the basis for calculating social security contributions

Incorrect collection of FGTS is recognized as serious employer misconduct

STF decides ICMS advance payment regulated by decree is unconstitutional

Postponement and cancellation of tourism trips and events is regulated with the conversion of Provisional Measure 948

LGPD comes into force by Senate decision

Financial Innovation Lab launches guide to raising funds through Collective Debt Investment Contracts

Amendments to the Judicial Reorganization Plan do not alter the biennial deadline for its closure

Responsible Management Committee: how was the webinar on crisis management and post-pandemic perspectives?

Investment crowdfunding rules changed

Social media photo of Claimant with witness leads to disregard of testimony

Brazilian Cryptoeconomics Association launches self-regulatory code for cryptoassets

Third panel of the STJ decides that credit pursued by guarantor is not subject to Judicial Reorganization

Public Consultation for the National Intellectual Property Strategy

Sisbajud, the new online attachment system, will be implemented in August/2020

New Resolutions at the Ministry of Economy simplify life for entrepreneurs

BRD program rules updated

STJ recognizes the possibility of relaxing the legal formalities required for the sale of UPI in the Judicial Recovery process

CVM takes another step towards simplifying regulations

Law with emergency measures for civil aviation published

CADE institutes Digital Transformation Plan

New tax transaction opportunity for debts assessed by Simples Nacional

Public consultation opens on the National Solid Waste Plan

New regulations on the drawback system

Bank guarantee credit constituted after the request for judicial reorganization is not subject to the reorganization process, even if the contract is prior

Unprecedented decision opens up opportunity to reduce state tax burden

The COVID-19 pandemic has made companies change their workers’ benefits

Conversion of Provisional Measure 931/2020 confirms postponement of deadlines for approval of accounts and election of directors

Law that changes the rules of the payment arrangement system signed

TJSP launches portal to communicate measures on LGPD

Herdeiro que ocupa exclusivamente imóvel oriundo de herança deve pagar aluguel aos demais herdeiros

Government sets up Digital Governance and Information Security Committee

Payment of time-barred tax credit must be refunded

CVM regulatory deadlines resume for Administrative Sanctioning Proceedings

São Paulo Court of Justice prevents the sale of the headquarters of the company under reorganization until a decision is made by the Judicial Reorganization Court

CMN regulates Working Capital Program for business preservation

TJSP rulings on the suspension and reduction of commercial lease contracts

TJSP decides that the venal value to be considered in the ITCMD calculation basis is the same as that applied to IPTU

MP allows sharing of fiduciary alienation

Inaccurate information on a CV can lead to dismissal for just cause

New Legal Framework for Basic Sanitation published

Provisional Measure No. 927, which changed labor rules during the pandemic, will expire

European Court of Justice declares EU-US Privacy Shield invalid

Visual Law in the Judiciary: Federal Court of Rio Grande do Norte reforms writ of summons and attachment summons

Superior Labor Court rules that the guarantee of temporary stability is inapplicable to pregnant employees hired on a temporary basis

Spontaneous reporting of tax debts

House approves suspension of labor settlement payments until December this year

Proposal to create a type of institution responsible for initiating payment transactions

Strenuous working hours do not generate moral damage “in ré ipsa”, according to the Superior Labor Court, which requires full proof of the damage

FI-Infra shares to be traded on B3

New ANEEL resolution provides for liquidity injection in the electricity sector

Chamber approves Provisional Measure 944/20, which grants a line of credit to cover the salaries of small and medium-sized companies

MP 959/2020 extended by Congress

Right to refund overpaid PIS and COFINS under the tax substitution regime

President vetoes Bill 675/2020 in its entirety

Labor reform does not apply to contracts prior to its entry into force

CVM created the Regulatory Sandbox Committee

Incidence of IOF on transactions carried out by factoring companies

Inclusion of serological tests for infection with the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) in health plans

New legal framework for basic sanitation goes to presidential sanction

Central Bank announces new measures to combat the effects of Covid-19 on the economy

Debtor must be personally summoned to comply with judgment

Law published to combat food waste

Bill to suspend health plan readjustments

Deadline for submitting Foreign Capital Census declarations is now open

Regional Labor Court denies employment relationship to motorcycle courier

Securities and Exchange Commission Instruction reduces minimum shareholding percentages for filing lawsuits and exercising related rights

Growing number of companies in Judicial Recovery amid coronavirus pandemic

Provisional Measure 983 and Electronic Signatures in the Public Sector

International Labor Organization issues guidelines for returning to work during the Covid-19 pandemic

Public Hearing on the revision of accounting and auditing standards

CARF decision recognizes that disproportionate distribution of profits is also exempt from income tax

Law modernizes management of federal real estate

IRPJ and CSLL levied on interest on credits from the exclusion of ICMS from the PIS and COFINS calculation base must be paid when the offset is approved

Normative Act simplifies Public Company Registration

PGFN establishes rules for joining the new debt negotiation modality

ANM opens public consultation for notice of availability of areas

Claim with net value, without caveat, limits labor conviction

Law 14.010/2020 and its impact on private law