
Category: Labor Law


The controversy between pejotization and outsourcing

trabalho análogo à escravidão

Work analogous to slavery: outsourcing and the contractor’s responsibility

Crise no agronegócio e as relações trabalhistas

Agribusiness crisis and its impact on labor relations

empregos verdes

Green jobs and ESG: the new paradigm in the labor market

Violence and harassment in the workplace: ILO Convention 190

Accidents at work in the Home Office: four tips for companies

Working hours in agribusiness

Annual discharge of labor obligations

Women in the job market: the legality of hiring only women

Appeal deposits: are companies under judicial reorganization exempt from paying them?

Marcos Martins announces Mariana Piva as new Labor head

Mariana Piva is the new head of the Labor practice at Marcos Martins Advogados

Rio Grande do Sul

Emergency measures to maintain jobs in Rio Grande do Sul after climate disaster

saúde mental

Federal government to certify companies that promote the mental health and well-being of their workers

garantia do juízo

The dilemma of court guarantees for companies in judicial reorganization

contratos autônomos

Should employment claims in self-employed contracts go through the ordinary courts?

Cláusula de quitação geral

General discharge clause in an out-of-court agreement: impacts of the labor courts’ understanding

What about hours in itinere after the labor reform?

horas in itinere

Rural workers’ commute: what about hours in itinere after the labor reform?

Workers’ opposition to union dues

contribuição sindical

TST to rule on workers’ opposition to union duesTST irá decidir sobre oposição do trabalhador à contribuição sindical

Retroactivity of the Labor Reform on current employment contracts

Retroactivity of the labor reform on current employment contracts

Electronic Work Domicile (DET): a new tool for communicating with companies

penhora do benefício previdenciário

Can partners have their social security benefits seized to pay labor debts?

Julgamento do tema 1232

Judgment on theme 1232: possible impacts for companies in labor cases

Relatório de Transparência Salarial

Salary Transparency Report: check the deadline for filing


eSocial: end of the coexistence period between versions S-1.1 and S-1.2

Employee health is the legal responsibility of companies

combustível para consumo do veículo

Fuelfor vehicle consumption cannot be taken into account in the dangerousness bonus

New equal pay criteria

Novos critérios de igualdade salarial

New equal pay criteria

registro de jornada por exceção

TST authorizes the use of working hours records by exception

New list of occupational diseases: learn about the impacts

Maintaining the home office after the Covid-19 pandemic

Ordinance changes rules for working on Sundays and public holidays

Income tax deductions could encourage remote work

Four-day workweek: are there legal implications for companies?

Change of understanding by the STF on the transfer of the assistance contribution and the impacts for companies

Changes to the Workers’ Food Program

The impacts of the amendment to the Truck Drivers’ Law in the labor sphere

The Labor Court and the use of geolocation as evidence

Law passed ensuring equal pay for men and women in the same job and amending the CLT

STF rules that employers can fire employees without just cause

TST changes calculation of regular overtime reflexes

The role of Third Party Due Diligence in containing labor risks

Layoff: an alternative to face the economic crisis and avoid layoffs

Release of information on labor lawsuits in eSocial extended to July 1: what should you do to comply and avoid fines?

Portal R7 | Intra-workday break: what changes with the decision of the Superior Labor Court?

Intra-workday breaks: what changes with the decision of the Superior Labor Court?

New CIPA legislation: what changes for companies

Unfair dismissal: what can really happen

Judicial recovery of Americanas: what are the labor issues like?

New CIPA legislation: what changes for companies?

Unfair dismissal: what can change after the STF judgment?

Regional Labor Court of the 2nd Region limits liability of withdrawing partner to two years after withdrawal

New version of eSocial will have information on labor processes

New version of eSocial will have information on labor processes

Monitoring at work: what can the company do?

Due diligence: how to identify labor risks?

ESG and the World Cup: what’s the connection?

ESG and the World Cup: what’s the connection?

Day off during the World Cup: how to avoid labor problems?

Damage to work equipment: whose responsibility is it?

Emprega + Mulheres program: how should companies adapt?

Emprega + Mulheres program: how should companies adapt?

Occupational safety: how are workplaces after the pandemic?

The impact of social media on employment relationships and labor lawsuits

Older professionals: what are the benefits of hiring them for companies?

Older professionals: what are the benefits of hiring them for companies?

STF invalidates double pay for vacations outside the legal period

Mass layoffs: what changes after the Supreme Court’s decision?

Pregnant and breastfeeding women in unhealthy working environments: how should companies proceed?

Occupational safety: preventive measures and the importance of documentation in reducing labor risks

Occupational safety: preventive measures and the importance of documentation in reducing labor risks

Right to Business” Podcast #10 – Labor relations: the challenges of the home office and new work models

Provisional Measure 1108/22 changes rules on teleworking and food stamps

TRT 15 rules out stability for former Cipa member fired after UPI sale

TST dismisses joint and several liability of company in judicial reorganization

President signs bill regulating pregnant women’s return to on-site activities

Revision of regulatory standards establishes new work safety routine for companies

Adoption of COVID-19 preventive measures helps avoid convictions in the Labor Courts

Labor court denies employment relationship to sales representative without formal contract

Law No. 14.261/2021 that recreates the Ministry of Labor and Social Security and establishes the Electronic Labor Domicile is sanctioned

The importance of compliance in labor relations

Salaries and benefits for top management

Decree 10.854 of 10/11/2021 and the Infralegal Labor Regulatory Framework

Salary can be garnished in labor proceedings as long as the debtor’s livelihood is maintained

Ordinance 620/21 of the Ministry of Labor and its consequences in the Labor Courts

TRT of the 15th region recognizes incompetence of labor courts to expropriate assets of company under judicial reorganization

Chamber approves return of pregnant women to in-person work after immunization against Covid-19

TRT-2 understands that covid-19 can only be considered an occupational disease if it is related to the employee’s activities

The impact of the new generations on the job market and the need for companies to adapt in order to retain a qualified workforce

Regional Labor Court exempts company from paying fine for paying severance pay in installments

Regional court orders company to pay overtime for monitoring external worker’s working hours via WhatsApp

Superior Labor Court allows sale of labor credits

Chamber of Deputies approves New Labor Reform bill, text goes to Senate for validation

Structural Subordination and the Recognition of an Employment Relationship between Employee and Employer

TST does not grant Free Justice without effective Proof of Hyposufficiency

Commission approves exemption of domestic employers and micro-entrepreneurs from labor appeal deposits