Women in the job market: the legality of hiring only women

Is hiring only women a valid policy? Data from the National Household Sample Survey (Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios – Pnad) show that in 2023, the number of women employed in the labor market reached an all-time high, totaling 43,380,636, surpassing the 42,675,531 registered the previous year. It’s no wonder that diversity and inclusion […]

Marcos Martins announces Mariana Piva as new Labor head

The arrival of the new head of Labor Law, Mariana Piva, at Marcos Martins Advogados, is highlighted in Análise Editorial. With a degree in Law, specializations in Labour Law and Labour Procedure from PUC-SP, and a Masters in Business Law from FGV Direito-SP, Mariana Piva has a professional career spanning more than 17 years. Her […]

Mariana Piva is the new head of the Labor practice at Marcos Martins Advogados

We announce the arrival of Mariana Piva as the newest member of the firm’s team of specialists. She will take over as the new head of the Labor area, which focuses on companies, providing legal assistance in preventive, advisory, judicial or administrative litigation. With a degree in Law, specializations in Labour Law and Labour Procedure […]

Emergency measures to maintain jobs in Rio Grande do Sul after climate disaster

Rio Grande do Sul

The Rio Grande do Sul Labor Prosecutor’s Office has issued a recommendation to companies on alternative measures to deal with the public calamity in the state, suggesting the adoption of actions that prioritize the maintenance of employees’ income and wages. Among the measures to be adopted by the companies, the Public Prosecutor’s Office recommended the […]

Federal government to certify companies that promote the mental health and well-being of their workers

saúde mental

The balance between personal and professional life is a central element for the sustainability and effectiveness of organizations. With the introduction of Law 14.831/2024, the Federal Government formally recognized the importance of this in the workplace by establishing the Mental Health Promoting Company Certificate. This legal framework encourages and values companies that implement practices aimed […]

The dilemma of court guarantees for companies in judicial reorganization

garantia do juízo

The discussion about the need for companies in judicial reorganization to guarantee the court has increased in recent years in the labor sphere, the lack of legal provision and the different legal interpretations make the issue difficult to resolve in the courts. There are currently numerous divergences in case law. Some courts interpret that article […]

Should employment claims in self-employed contracts go through the ordinary courts?

contratos autônomos

A recent decision by the Superior Court of Justice (STJ) has attracted the attention of jurists and companies because it reinforces the thesis of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) that the jurisdiction to analyze the validity of contracts, including self-employed contracts, lies with the Common State Court. In the lawsuit filed with the 2nd Labor […]

What about hours in itinere after the labor reform?

Rural workers’ commute: what about hours in itinere after the labor reform? Hours in itinere, or commuting hours, consist of the company’s obligation to count the time it takes employees to get to work as hours worked, in situations where the employer provides transportation and the workplace is difficult to reach. With the labor reform, […]