Employee health is the legal responsibility of companies

The article “Employee health is the legal responsibility of companies”, written by Lucas Landi Brito, a lawyer from our labor team, is featured in Correio Braziliense. The list of occupational diseases has been readjusted, 24 years after its implementation, to reflect current health risks in the workplace. In all, the Ministry of Health has included […]

Fuelfor vehicle consumption cannot be taken into account in the dangerousness bonus

combustível para consumo do veículo

The characterization of dangerous activity for employees who transport fuel in the vehicle’s tank, until then unregulated by the CLT, depended exclusively on case law and the Ministry of Labor’s Regulatory Standard 16. The lack of a law on the subject made employers susceptible to paying the hazardous duty surcharge, because items 16.6.1 and, […]

New equal pay criteria

The article “New criteria for equal pay”, written by Anna Kalmus, a lawyer in the labor team, is featured on the HR for You portal. Despite progress, the IBGE still points to disparities in women’s pay. In order to minimize these inequalities, a new law was recently passed, bringing several new features, including the creation […]

New equal pay criteria

Novos critérios de igualdade salarial

New criteria for equal pay for men and women have been established. Despite significant advances in the labor market in recent years, the IBGE still points to disparities in women’s pay. According to the institute, women work on average three hours a week more than men and have a higher level of education, but receive […]

TST authorizes the use of working hours records by exception

registro de jornada por exceção

The Superior Labor Court has ruled, by a majority of votes, that it is permissible to use the exception method of recording working hours. The method is a form of recording that takes into account only the hours worked outside the working day previously established between employee and employer, with the contractual working hours prevailing […]

New list of occupational diseases: learn about the impacts

After 24 years of implementation, the list of occupational diseases, a fundamental instrument for identifying and recognizing illnesses resulting from work activities, has undergone adjustments to accurately reflect the health risks emerging in the professional environment. Recently, the Ministry of Health incorporated 165 pathologies into the new list of occupational diseases by means of Ordinance […]

Maintaining the home office after the Covid-19 pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has led to profound changes in various aspects of society, above all altering our conception of the workplace. One of the most striking changes has been the rapid expansion of the remote working model, popularly known as the “home office”. Although remote working existed before the pandemic, it experienced mass expansion and […]

Ordinance changes rules for working on Sundays and public holidays

Ordinance No. 3,665/2023, published in November, changed the rules for working on Sundays and public holidays. It will come into effect on March 1, 2024 and modified the text of Ordinance/MTP No. 671/2021, revoking the authorization for various types of commerce to operate on public holidays without collective bargaining with the unions. The measure mainly […]

Income tax deductions could encourage remote work

Income tax deductions could encourage remote working. Faced with the need to use teleworking during the pandemic, many companies have become concerned about the expenses borne by employees, such as electricity, internet and any costs incurred for working from home. Despite the fact that the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) expressly states that expenses, even […]

Four-day workweek: are there legal implications for companies?

Currently, one of the most important debates in the global labor market is the four-day week, with companies in some countries already adopting the model as definitive. In Brazil, a pilot project is underway with 20 Brazilian companies, which began in September and is expected to end in the last month of this year. However, […]