Changes to the Workers’ Food Program

Decree 11.678/2023, which updates the Workers’ Food Program and modifies some points of Decree 10.854/2021, was published and has been in force since August 31, 2023. The Workers’ Food Program (PAT), established by Law No. 6.321/76 – as amended by Law 14.442/22, which is based on guaranteeing nutritional conditions for workers in exchange for tax […]

The impacts of the amendment to the Truck Drivers’ Law in the labor sphere

In June, the justices of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) decided, by 8 votes to 3, to strike down provisions of Law 13.103/2015, popularly known as the “Driver’s Law”, which edited the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) to regulate the profession of road haulage driver, defining rights, duties and working conditions. The law establishes guidelines […]

The Labor Court and the use of geolocation as evidence

Geolocation is increasingly being used as a means of proof, to confirm the movement of the worker and the compatibility between the clock-in and the employee’s location at the same moment, in comparison to the working hours controls. Geolocation is a technology that makes it possible to track the location of a mobile device, such […]

STF rules that employers can fire employees without just cause

The plenary session of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) validated the 1996 presidential decree that withdrew Brazil from ILO (World Labor Organization) Convention 158, which prohibits dismissals without just cause in adhering countries. The trial of the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality (ADI) 1625, which questioned the presidential veto, was prolonged for 26 years in the […]

TST changes calculation of regular overtime reflexes

The Superior Labor Court (TST) changed the understanding of Jurisprudential Guideline (OJ) 394 of Subsection I Specialized in Individual Disputes (SDI-1), which deals with the payment of regular overtime. The original wording considered it to be bis in idem (repeated payment), the increase in overtime habitually worked, with the corresponding paid weekly rest (RSR), for […]

The role of Third Party Due Diligence in containing labor risks

Internationally renowned wineries have recently had their names involved in a slave labor scandal. Approximately 207 workers were rescued from a situation analogous to slavery in Bento Gonçalves/RS, in a joint action between the Federal Highway Police (PRF), the Federal Police (PF) and the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE). The rescued workers were employed […]

Layoff: an alternative to face the economic crisis and avoid layoffs

The Innovation Sector is currently being impacted by mass layoffs. In December 2022, a real estate startup made its third round of staff cuts, laying off more than 300 people. Throughout the year, the layoffs have affected other large companies. In these cases, there are already those who see layoffs as a trend in startups. […]