TST dismisses joint and several liability of company in judicial reorganization

Sibele de Oliveira PimentaLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados The 5th Panel of the Superior Labor Court upheld the appeal filed by a company undergoing judicial reorganization in the interior of São Paulo against the ruling handed down by the Regional Labor Court of the 15th Region, in which it sought to dismiss the joint and […]

President signs bill regulating pregnant women’s return to on-site activities

Luara Rezende and Natália Tenório da SilvaLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados Bill 2058/21, which regulates the return of pregnant women to work in person, was sanctioned by the President of the Republic on August 8, with vetoes. The act, which was published in the Official Gazette on Thursday, amends Law No. 14,151 of 2021, which […]

Revision of regulatory standards establishes new work safety routine for companies

Bruna Zampieri ColpaniLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados The Regulatory Norms – NR’s are a set of guidelines and technical procedures related to the safety and health of workers in the performance of their duties. Their main objectives are to instruct employees and employers on precautions to avoid accidents at work or the appearance of occupational […]

Adoption of COVID-19 preventive measures helps avoid convictions in the Labor Courts

Monique Vieira LessaLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados With the advent of the pandemic, society has had to reinvent its habits, the way it deals with others and the environment around it. Labor relations have been no different. Since the beginning of the spread of the virus, companies have had to adapt to government measures and […]

Labor court denies employment relationship to sales representative without formal contract

Sibele de Oliveira PimentaLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados A labor court in the interior of São Paulo dismissed a commercial representative’s claim for employment with a company in the cereal industry, recognizing the lawfulness of providing services on an autonomous basis, without legal subordination. In the case in dispute, although there was no written contract […]

The importance of compliance in labor relations

Nos últimos anos, graças aos inúmeros casos de corrupção que vieram a tona, temas relacionados à moral e à ética ganharam grande destaque no cenário internacional e nacional. Com isso, a figura do compliance se tornou cada vez mais presente nas empresas.

Salaries and benefits for top management

Bruna Zampieri Colpani and Maísa VidalLawyers at Marcos Martins Advogados INTRODUCTION In the struggle to achieve their business and social goals, companies face stiff competition from major conglomerates on a daily basis, which requires constant efforts, with innovation and creativity, to offer excellent products and services at fair prices. This is a scenario in the […]