Dismissal for just cause for exposing confidential data

Heloisa de Alencar SantosLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados In a decision handed down by the Regional Labor Court of the Second Region, the dismissal for just cause of an employee who passed on sensitive data from the company that took over his services was upheld on the grounds that those who hold, control and operate […]

STF denies the possibility of recognizing simultaneous stable unions

No julgamento do Recurso Extraordinário nº 1.045.273/SE, iniciado na sexta-feira, dia 11 de dezembro de 2020, o Supremo Tribunal Federal fixou a tese abaixo transcrita, em sede de repercussão geral, debruçando-se sobre a possibilidade de reconhecimento de nova união estável, por pessoa que já possui vínculo conjugal anterior.

The transmission of the right to claim compensation for moral damages to heirs after the death of the victim of moral damage

Recentemente, o Superior Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) editou a Súmula 642 que trata sobre a possibilidade de transmissão do direito à indenização por danos morais aos herdeiros, após o falecimento do titular, concedendo a estes a legitimidade ativa para ajuizar ou prosseguir na ação indenizatória em que se discute a violação dos direitos da personalidade do falecido.

Health startups receive contributions equivalent to US$ 24 million in October

Giulia Keese MontanhesiLawyer at Marcos Martins Advogados According to the Inside Healthtech Report, a survey by the Dataminer District, 4 companies out of approximately 577 startups focused on the health area in Brazil received amounts and contributions valued at US$ 24 million last month. According to Revista Medicina S/A, the volume represents a 235% increase […]

Renegotiation is an essential step against debt

In an article for CBN Campinas, Dr. Mário Conforti, leader of the firm’s Civil area and a specialist in litigation, outlines basic tips and recommendations on the growth of the default bubble, due to the covid-19 pandemic and how debt renegotiation can be essential in this scenario. Read the full article.